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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Criminal Mind Games : We are What We Create

The mentality of the criminal mind encompasses many negative traits...lying, cheating, stealing etc. However, our society seems to be teaching these traits as virtues now. We should be more concerned with the values and morals we instill in our children, as well as considering the presence or lack of intellectual knowledge.

Criminal or businessman

Ruthlessness in business is a common teaching, both in schools, and in society. We are taught that we must do certain things to "get ahead of the pack", so to speak, but who is "the pack"? Why, it is our own fellow man in this little "rat race" we've chosen. A race we may even feel we have been forced to run.

A man of intellect without a moral grounding can become one of two things in this world : a successful businessman, or a ruthless criminal. However, are the two not really one in the same? It is obvious we as a society are responsible for our own moral decay.

Predator or prey

Morality without intellect can be just as dangerous as intellect without morality. With regard to education, in school, or workplace, the two should always go hand in hand. When we don't give the moral man the proper intellect to cope with the sharp individuals he will face in life, we are really just turning him into "prey". When we don't give the intellectual genius the moral incentive to consider his fellow man in all his dealings, we are creating the "predator."

Mental health has to be viewed from the standpoint of both these forms of "societal conditioning", yet sadly, the "prey" is far more likely to seek counseling than the "predator", while the predator may be far more in need of said counseling. Thus, is counseling or therapy the answer?

Heart and mind united

I think not. I think we need to consider these issues at their root, and delve further into the mental health of an individual while they are young, before it is too late. This is not to say there needs to be psychiatric intrusion of the young, but there does need to be a better method of giving young minds a greater sense of intellect and morality at the same time.

A truly strong mind encompasses both knowledge and a set of values. A truly strong individual should be capable of being smart, successful, and moral at the same time. These are the lessons we should be teaching our children.

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