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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Dark Age of the Modern Day

Image Credit :  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic, 

If you wonder why there is a movement to remove religion from our schools and ban religious content and rhetoric from media and public forums, perhaps you should take a step back and observe objectively the effect religion is having upon our world. 

If the connotation of Islamic extremism was removed as a mitigating factor, then the crisis threatening the middle east and the world today would be no different than that posed by the Nazis. A group seeks to subjugate and control others. The Islamic faith is only a tool to justify the means toward that end. 

If the connotation of Christianity were remove as a mitigating factor, then the crisis in Palestine today would be no different than that posed by the early settlers upon the natives in the North American continent. A group seeks to invade and conquer the homeland of a native people. In the doctrine that asserts it is God who gave the territory to the Jews, the Christian faith is only a tool to justify the means to that end.

The separation of church and state within our constitution addressed the issues that organized religion has caused within governments throughout our history. Yet, we still base our votes upon the religious convictions of our political candidates. In the United States, it is unlikely that a non-Christian presidential candidate will get elected. It is even less likely for a candidate to get elected unless he/she openly supports Israel's occupation of Palestine. 

Let it be known now, that it is equally as redundant to address every instance of ignorance by definition which only gives credence to ignorance itself. In truth, there is no racism, ideology, religion or politics. There is only the display and perpetuation of ignorance as a tool of subjugation and as an excuse for self victimization. In this we do not overcome ignorance by addressing the person who is ignorant. We overcome ignorance by addressing the ignorance itself with undeniable truth.

Any animal can kill itself and others. It's reasons are irrelevant and its nature is apparent. Apes do not create a global crisis because they are primitive by nature. We create our own global crisis when we elect primals as our leaders and follow the primal doctrines of primitives. Only once we are capable of grasping this concept will we begin to overcome ignorance and establish an ascended world society. Ignorance requires many to perpetuate the global crisis upon the individual. But the individual only needs to address ignorance with truth to overcome the nature of a primal world.
