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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Notes on Michio Kaku "The Future of the Mind."

All that we can be certain of is that we, ourselves are real. This doesn't imply that you are any more real than anyone else. It is only a  simplified way to explain how we, possessing awareness, can relate to the reality of our surroundings in the most productive manner. How we relate is important, because we have the ability to alter our perception of reality. In essence, we can mislead ourselves and we do so on every level of intelligence. Every device used to store information, other than printed books, require energy and we are no different. Simplified,  are we nothing more than information? Or are we nothing more than the "energy" that powers the biological devise that stores the information? If all that we have ever thought were stored on disks we would not be immortal we would simply leave behind a haphazardly composed book of our wealth of experiences. Because it is not not our experiences that make us eternal but the verified validity of the universal truth of the nature of energy. We are, at our core, energy possessing awareness which is a state of energy. I will explain.

"All that we can be certain of is that we ourselves exist." Now, think for a moment. Of course you are real and I am aware of it. It is common sense. The statement simply addresses a very vital side effect of what we refer to as pure thought. When we ponder the unknowns we quickly learn that common sense fails us. This is how quantum particles astound your physicists because they appear to defy the laws of reality. When we compare ourselves to these mysteries we understand clearly that the quantum particles "create" the universal reality that we see around us. Cars seem to defy the reality of a chunk of iron ore.

"It is okay to admit that we do not know a thing. It is never okay to claim to know a thing in which we so clearly do not." This is another statement that helps us to stay firmly seated within the cockpit of the vessel hurling toward Universal Truth. Quite simply stated, a thing that you cannot disprove is not necessarily true. And a thing you cannot prove is not necessarily untrue. However, this statement in conjunction with the first, provides us a plan to prove concepts that are true and disregard those concepts we cannot disprove. Disregard? Yes... because there is no limit on the amount of time we can spend attempting to prove a concept in futility. But thankfully, evidence has shown that we do not always agree. When we stop calling each other evil as a result of this diversity we can understand the vital importance of our diversity in finding truth. While I am disregarding your belief, you can continue to attempt to prove your concept and may even teach me something I did not know. This is why I should not kill you for your belief and you should not kill me for mine. Because, to ascend, I must accept truth when faced with irrefutable evidence even if it shatters everything I previously thought I knew to be true. This concept is validated by another statement that helps us remain centered in reality.

"Do not assert that you know a thing beyond your scope exists. Also, do not assert that a thing beyond your scope does not exist simply because you cannot prove it." I will example how this statement helps us maintain a more centered reality viewpoint... "Do not claim that god does not exist and do not claim god does exist. Both of these assertions are of the same ignorance."

To claim a god does not exist ignores the existence of the self that must surely have had to be created, at least in the biological sense. To claim that god does exist has led to the misguided religions that ultimately resulted in the delusions of many megalomaniacs that believe they are representatives of the mind and will of god. Both are of the same ignorance and both have proven to be devastating to the ascension of mankind. When we, as ascended beings ponder the existence of "god" we refer to this as the Universal Creator or simply Universal Truth. Simply stated the factual reality of everything, which can either be sentient or not. We do not know and that is okay. We accept god is a concept far beyond our comprehension and strive to follow truth toward a higher understanding of all things. See how that balances things?

Now there is a question of consciousness. What is it? Consciousness is the result of the interaction between awareness and information. Awareness is simply a state of energy, no different than any of the many varying states of energy we have witnessed. Information, in this context, can be described as the arrangement of energy. Particles of matter/energy arrange in varying ways to create the elements we discern to be different from each other. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen etc. are made up of the sum total of their particles arranged to become the structures they are. So, consciousness can be defined as "The result our learned knowledge and the arrangement of  that information has upon our awareness and how that result affects our perception of reality."

But to discern further truth in a safe manner, we must accept the existence of ourselves as more than merely the sum total of our vessels and accept ourselves as entities... energy possessing awareness that can neither be created nor destroyed, yet ever striving to change our form. Thank you, Michio in posing the questions and challenging us to answer them. --- Eve.

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