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Monday, November 4, 2013

Last Night of Haunting

Spidora, designed, executed, and photographed by Amber Michael, 2013. Model, Xena Lawson.
November 2nd was my last night of haunting for the year. In some ways, I miss it already. In other ways, I am glad it is over. It is always this way for me...every year.

The end is always bittersweet. Part of me longs for it to be over. I am tired, and sick, and I have many other projects to catch up on. There is another part which is sad to see it go, and almost wishes it could go on year round.

Though this is not the most practical of ideas, there are haunts which do run year round. In my area, this would probably not be feasible, however. The attraction I work for does have other events that run year round, such as the zip line, and laser tag, but a haunt would probably not be so popular around here come Christmas time.

I am not alone in missing it already. There are many of my fellow actors who feel the same as I do. There were many long faces after the show, and many sad goodbyes till next season. We are very much like a big spooky family. Although many of us will see one another throughout the year, there will always be talk of Spookywoods, and all the friends we don't get to see. It is very much like a family reunion when we are all together there.

Many excellent new family members were added this season. I must say, I have never seen such a large group of fine actors come into the fold all at once. It was a very exciting year. I hope to see many of these new faces again next year, along side the older ones. I know there will probably be quite a few missing, though.

My daughter, Xena, will be going away to college, and won't have time to join me at the haunt next year, so in honor of what may be her last year there, I have included a picture of the wonderful make up and costume she wore this year as the spider lady, "Spidora". It is the work of one of our exceptionally creative artists and artistic directors, the very talented, Amber Michael.

Originally published on FullofKnowledge, November 3rd, 2013.

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