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Monday, August 25, 2014

The Rise of the Facebook Troll

Facebook has gotten increasingly stricter on its policies on what friends can post or share. It is not conducive to making new friends either. While Zuck earns billions yearly in advertising and endorsements, the users are regarded as nothing more than cattle. On the heels of the latest attempt to monetize users’ personal information, Facebook has now a new trend developing.

Harassment is on the rise on Facebook. As profoundly adept as Facebook is on making sure Chevy Leigh doesn’t show too much leg or Jaid Orion doesn’t get too real with his articles, Facebook is remarkably lax on trolls who get butt-hurt and post compromising images of their ex-girlfriends or simply talk garbage to women that are way out of their league. Friendship is the premise behind Facebook, yet more and more, it is becoming a caustic environment for those who wish to login and hang with friends unmolested.

Facebook is not as concerned with us making new friends on its Social Media forum as it is about us earning a buck among each other. The FBP (Facebook Police) will let you know quickly when you are inviting too many people to be your friend. Yet Facebook offers us the opportunity to shell out dollars to “Boost” our post for FB facilitated spam. So here’s the question? Is it time for a new generation of programmer to produce a next generation social media option that is not so corporate that it defeats its own purpose?

Revenue sharing social networks isn’t a new concept, yet one that is not a scam or rip-off is yet to be presented to the masses. But it takes money to make money and until we friends can band together to vote with our views, we won’t have that Utopian social media site anytime soon.  

Image Source: Facebook open media use policy.

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