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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Validation and Ascension

Portrait of Eve. Painted by Jaid
          It has been a while since I posted anything to the blog, but rest assured we have not been idle. Our leaf in the stream, if it pleases, has turned toward a more introspective drift.

After some profound events my personal doubts have been dealt a significant blow. Eve spoke directly to my beloved Nari and the three of us shared a priceless moment of self revelation that frightened me so completely that both had to spend a few days to settle me down again. As some of you followers may know, I am perhaps the biggest skeptic of what we have come to know of as Ascension.

Eve is speaking directly to Nari now and they are both shedding new light upon ancient knowledge revealing some shocking truths about our family tree, so to speak. As emotional as my enlightenment was in my early teens, I see that the same emotional journey now lay ahead for my Nari.

I took some good advice from Drew de Jesus and began to read The Book of Urantia. As I read I am reminded of a dream in which a dreamy voiced traveler from her vessel called to Eve and I saying, “Goo-tah-tah!! It is all one love… Merge with me!!!” Eve responded, “I’d rather not, thank you.” And she rushed us passed the woman with my hand firmly grasped.

When I read these books searching for truth I am often hopeful to find truth amid the woo-hoo as Nari so eloquently describes it.  The issue is that Ascension is about truth as it is defined in its simplest. Why people say truth is subjective to the individual remains a mystery to me. Reality, like gravity has only one truth. Your perspective of falling from a great height is irrelevant as the ultimate outcome is the same. Here is the singular truth of Ascension as it relates to each of you.

Although these studies are meant solely for the use of the three sisters to regain/retain their awareness, we hope that some of you will be enlightened along the way. The singular truth to which I refer is that in time this message will be taken up by others. It will become the core of a new coming society. It will replace your religions and render all of you sub-primates in the retold history of your existence in ages to come. As you write today of the primitive nature of the Neanderthals, thus history will teach of the primitive nature of you.

Ascension is regarded as woo-hoo by some of you at first blush. Yet when I assert to a true believer of Christianity that, unlike the bible, math/physics as a guide to God is tamper-proof, he stares back at me astounded and blinking. Even though they appear quite far-fetched, I do not make assertions that cannot be validated within reality.

After having watched the Discovery series The Pyramid Code, I am now studying it carefully. I not only study what is being said, but the sights in Egypt that are being shown. Nari has also admitted to having personal awareness of the ancient hieroglyphs referenced. As always, I will provide an example of the profound nature of this.

Before we began learning about the ancient language of pre-dynastic Egyptian cultures, Nari and I discussed a beautiful language that Eve revealed to us within her awareness. We were able to decipher it to some degree and reveal it was a poem of a sunset. But a subtle lesson was also revealed within its verses that taught how calm, relaxing peace of thought was vital to enlightenment. In fact, reading the same verse repeatedly only reveals deeper meanings.

"Traik le havra…
Aw shak'zie aw-le'te…
Eh-roi aw’te-oke…
Kai’tis ah’esia mei…
Aw shi'on tyroi eiy’ve… 
Shi'on vei tis’esia…
Ie awn bar'oke."

"I Close my lips…
 and (when) I silence my thoughts…
(If) You see my being (form)…
upon (the) air…
(your) breath…
(is) lost upon (the) light’ed (illuminated) vision."

Loosely translated, the original verse is a riddle/short poem that simply means, "We can appreciate a splendid sunrise/sunset only once we are relaxed and at peace."

Nari (Living) watched The Pyramid Code, Eve (existing on the other side) was aware of her watching this and was reminded of her verse in unknown language. Eve shows me (living) the verse to which, through some awareness trickery, we were able to decipher. We reveal the verse to Nari who tells us that she had been watching a series that mentioned deciphering the ancient language of the Egyptians. Here is the facepalm significance to this as if having a psychic connection to another living person facilitated by a ghost were not significant enough. The way in which Eve’s spoken verse reads when written follows the same presumed consonant pattern as the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.  Simply speaking, a professor of languages would see Eve’s poem and compare that to the hieroglyphs and see its similarities as a spoken verse of the writing style of the ancient Egyptians. Stay with me for a moment longer. If you read a verse in English, then translate it to Japanese it will not read exactly the same as the two languages are vastly different. Eve’s poem would be spoken exactly as it would if written in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Also, the hieroglyphs tell much more than their meaning when spoken in context. Like Eve’s poem, an entire story is revealed in only a few lines of text when read by those with peace and eyes to see.

When I speak to the religious today, I do so as would one seeking to understand. I do not challenge, but simply ask questions. “Why do we strive to reach a materialistic heaven of golden mansions and streets oddly similar to the reality of the wealthy when a wondrous and vast heaven can clearly be seen above us?”

My questions are answered in Ascension and validated by the infallible system of math/physics. I do not say there is no god, but only assert that God is real by the truest definition of the word and that we have never met it. “God obviously created reality for us to exist in, why do we need doctrines that require us to suspend logic and reason to accept them.” It created us and every thing around us utilizing the universal law we know as math and physics. Logically speaking, if we really are in search for God then shouldn't math/physics be our Bible?

I saw a news story recently of the opulence and wealth of the televangelists. One story revealed that a woman had donated a significant portion of her life savings to one of these insanely wealthy televangelists in hopes that God would cure her cancer. The woman died of course. Her children found out later that their entire inheritance was sent to this charlatan. This was the woman’s right and to this I do not argue. But power, manipulation and fear of death is a recurring thread in the con-game that is religion worldwide.

Ascension is reality. And by that awareness of reality, we find through math/physics that God exists, but created us and moved on to bigger things. I am okay with this as I can now learn math/physics and follow in my eternal search for God. I compare myself to everything else existing around me and know that I exist in a cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth as does everything else. And I can see the mathematical impossibility of my non-existence and know that I will continue to exist beyond this vessel. My immortality is not a gift from God per say, but a result of God’s Universal cyclical order that is backed up and validated scientifically. In this, I hope we can agree with the quote, “Your God is too small.”

On a final note, I reference a great movie with Russell Crow that was not Gladiator. A Beautiful Mind told the story of the brilliant scholar John Nash who suffered from schizophrenia and saw people who did not exist. He ultimately overcame his affliction somewhat to live a normal life by acknowledging these delusions could not be real by the laws of physics and the application of logic and reason. If you were to compare your religions to logic, reason and reality you would find that all of you still subjugating others, ruling as powers and killing in the name of god suffer from poor John’s affliction.

I was recently the unwitting subject of an attempted exorcism of sorts that back fired. Yes, I have been aware of the presence of an entity that has been with me since I was a small child. I became aware of her after having suffered convulsions as a result of a high fever. Unlike the character delusions of John Nash, ever since, Eve has been telling me truth as it is rather than I wish it to be. This ultimately resulted in my having to face the truth of religion and restructure my entire belief system. “God is here! He is all around us!” the good brother Ebb proclaimed. In my awareness I saw Eve peer around the room seeing no God present and back to Ebb. Ebb has revealed he had been an addict and a drug dealer before finding his faith and becoming a pastor. Some could argue he simply traded one drug for another. I do not reveal this to judge the man, but only to point out he was sorely ill-equipped to have this ideological discussion with someone like me.      “I would love to have an ideological discussion with someone who believes in doctrine so faithfully, but now is not the time. I have begun this separation and it is now the priority. But I will share this with you… Physics is the only true gospel. In your search for God you should have become a math professor.” I replied.  To this, Eve stood astounded and also remarked in her dry humored nature, “And Jesus Christ has left the building.”

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