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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Black Isn't Slimming Enough If You Have a Thyroid Issue

We have discussed the fact that the color black is slimming. Twice in my life now, I have ballooned up beyond the 200 pound mark. The color black did not seem to help enough in this case.

Both times, I was able to realize that it was an issue with my thyroid. Thyroid imbalance can lead to many other issues. I found that I was lethargic, fatigued, and plagued by various smaller issues, as well.

What did I do? The answer is simply. In both cases, I took a seaweed known as Kelp, or Bladderwrack.

Kelp is rich in iodine, and iodine deficiency can obviously throw the thyroid out of balance. That is my explanation, at least. Research it for yourself, of course. Consult your doctor, if you wish, I am simply stating what I KNOW works for me.

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