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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Costume Designs; A Tribe of Elves

A Tribe of Elves
original artwork and designs by Laurie Tysinger, ©2003-2005.

The sketch of the Elvish Queen was done in 2003. I really liked the outfit. Later in 2005, I decided she needed company, so I designed a little "tribe" for her. The emphasis, or course, was on the costumes, which I think give them the feel of an acrobatic troop of some sort.

I hope to add a few more men to the little group, as the one does seem a bit outnumbered. I also intend to add color. I am thinking perhaps either green and black, or gray and purple, but I would like to keep the colors uniform. I like the fact that each outfit is very unique, yet very coordinate with the others.

Eventually, I hope to create these costumes, but for what purpose, I do not yet know. Right now, they are yet another example of the many reasons I simply must live forever. There is far too much to finish, to do, to create, and to show and write about to do otherwise. I feel that as long as there are still ideas in my head, and my hands are still capable of giving them life in some manner, I will just have to continue to "be".

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