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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Simply Goth

Though you will see me quite often in very colorful and often outlandish costumes, my everyday appearance is a very simplistic Goth style. That is what it is called now, at any rate, but when I developed my love of all things black, there was no such moniker. I simply "was".

My love of such things began at the age of five upon seeing the first Black Sabbath album, which features a rather "vampy" lady clad in black, standing in front of an old church. Something inside me immediately identified with this woman with all my little five year old heart and soul.

Unfortunately, my mom would have none of it. She preferred dressing me in colorful little outfits that mimicked her own. My mother is an excellent seamstress, by the way, and I can't really complain, as the woman used to make me really kool blue jeans, using no pattern at all, and adding buckles and such neat little things that you see quite often now, but did not then. She was quite ahead of her time, to say the least.

All this came in handy when I turned 12, and started singing in metal and rock bands. It was only then that I was allowed to "find my own element" a bit more, so to speak. Sadly, I have no photos from then, as there were no handy little phones to click a quick pic with.

I do; however, have a few starting in the 80's, that should show how my personal style never really changes that much. Many people dress similar now, but it was not so much the case back then, unless you were a guy playing in a metal band. Still, I see no reason to change my personal style now just because some people have finally seen the absolute sense in it. Most of the clothing and accessories in these pics are my lovely little Thrift Store finds. Aside from the "80's hair" in the first pic (which, by the way, was NOT my idea!), has anything really changed?


early 2000's
early 2000's

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