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Friday, August 16, 2013

Using Language to Enhance a Character

Me as voo doo lady
Languages have always fascinated me. I am especially fond of dead languages. Although I can’t speak any languages fluently (well, perhaps English, but that may even be debatable!), I do read several of the dead ones fairly well. I like to call this little study of mine “archaic linguistics”.
I have learned a bit of several more contemporary languages in studying for my various roles working in the haunt industry. I think it brings my characters to life if they speak the proper tongue. I study just as hard for each character as a good movie actor might for a movie role.
My most in depth character to date would have to be the voodoo lady. She spoke a bit of Cajun style French, spoke in English with a Cajun accent, and also used a bit of Zulu and Swahili. When in doubt, I even threw out a phrase or two in one of several Native American languages with which I am familiar.
Perhaps one day I will become more fluent in one of these languages, but my fascination just seems to lead me from one to the next for now.
Original Content by Laurie Tysinger, 2013.
Originally published on Bubblews, June 24th, 2013.

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