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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Absentminded Renaissance Woman

Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain.
When it comes to creativity, my greatest strength is that I love doing EVERYTHING, and am usually quite good at it.

When it comes to creativity, my greatest weakness is that I love doing EVERYTHING, and am usually quite good at it.

Sometimes, this tends to make me an erratic plethora of “stuff”. I am the “absentminded professor” when ideas flow most freely. I am bohemian at best, and downright messy at worst, when involved in a project. Usually many projects are conspiring to come into being at once. This, of course makes matters worse.

You would think an abundance of creativity would always be a blessing, but it can truly be a curse, as well. It can be a major distraction from things you need to deal with in the “real world”. It can make you appear unreliable and flighty to others, even when that is really not the case.

Though many people claim to appreciate and even admire creativity in others, there are also those who display some level of petty jealousy, usually in regard to the fact that you can do something they believe they can’t. This can even be true of other creative people. Such creative jealousies can ruin all forms of relationships, be it a friendship, a love relationship, or a business partnership.

How you handle such envy is the important thing; be it someone else’s, or even your own. I feel no one can truly deny being jealous of someone or something somewhere along the way in their life. It can manifest as jealousy of their talent, or simply being envious of the success they seem to have when compared to your own.

I am no different. I too have felt the green eyed monster as he lures me into petty want of that which someone else seems to have. The difference is the way I choose to handle it. I try to analyze my own feelings first, and not let them reflect in how I treat others. I try to put myself in their shoes, and nearly always realize that they have problems that often arise from the very thing I am in envy of…just like I do.

Still, I am most certainly a renaissance woman in every possible sense of the term. My head is ALWAYS in the clouds, but as long as I keep my feet on the ground as well, I am usually okay. I am actually a good listener too, so I suppose I have just learned to balance it.

There are so many things one can learn simply by being a good listener. Listening well actually adds to the cacophony of ever present madness and magic running through my head. That’s okay, I still feel that it helps me in achieving some type of precarious balance on the tight rope I seem to walk through this circus act of a life I lead.

Personal commentary on the pros and cons of living a creative lifestyle.

Originally published on, November 1st, 2013.

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