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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

What Do You Believe In?

What Do You Believe In?

It is a simple enough question. Do you truly believe in your faith or simply play along? I believe in Ascension. I believe we are born, live our lives in the purpose of gaining awareness, we die and come back reincarnated in a cycle until we have acquired the awareness (state of energy) required for us to ascend beyond the need of a biological vessel. Why does this matter to you? 

I believe what we do and the decisions we make here in life follow us in Universal Order. I believe that we do not simply go to some contrived paradise, but into the Universe where we continue to have purpose to help those we care for that still have to come back to this literal hell on earth. How many of you plan to leave a percentage of your funds to a Christian church after you die?

When my parents die, their ideology of spite, anger and hatred will die with them. This includes any funds they intend to will to a Christian church. I will not allow any part of my family funds to support Israel’s war against Palestine. The organized Christian church is among the largest contributors to Israel’s war effort. It is a matter of principle. I would rather make the church spend more of their funds fighting me in the court system for my family funds in front of every news camera on the planet before relinquishing one cent to them.

Do not misunderstand. I do not bitch without solutions. I do not condone war for any reason. If war, either in defense or aggression, is your solution, then you do not possess the awareness to govern yourself and have no claim to govern others. It makes no difference to me the reasons on either side. They both are fighting. Thus, I will not support it either in faith or funding.

Every nation at war relies upon world leaders to fight. Stop supporting them, stop arming them, stop feeding them and they will either starve to death or reach peaceful solutions. If they continue to fight on their own, then they will render themselves extinct as is their nature. I would see them both extinct by their own ignorance rather than interject in any way… total annihilation by the strategic use of peace. And the world will be better off without their kind. Any nation that wars or supports war should not be negotiated with, traded with or acknowledged as a state. Thus the victors of wars starve and die out. The ascended societies that follow will document the horrific last years of the reign of the primal human in graphic detail as a warning to future ascended generations. That is your world peace solution summed up in a paragraph.

In my ignorance, you have made me a murderer with blood on my hands. In awareness, I acknowledge you no longer, either in faith or deed or sovereignty. We as Americans claim we do not negotiate with terrorists, yet war itself is a form of negotiation. We make martyrs of them via war. We drum up the support of our enemies in their defense when we war against them. Yet we rebuild them after we drop bombs in futility hoping they will thank us.
There is no rational argument in support of war or the nations that wage them. We kept Russia alive after nearly choking the life from that country to fight Communism. It was a strategy of peace that nearly wiped that country from the face of the earth. We have seen that peaceful and diligent sanctions against warring aggressors work. But you have to have the fortitude to watch them starve to death if necessary.

Innocent civilians will leave a starving region in droves rather than linger in support of war, famine and disease. Your borders are now surrounded by a coalition of ascended nations preventing your aggression from spilling out or support getting in. Drop the weapon and work together to feed yourselves or die by your own ignorance. If death is your choice, then it is quite unfortunate that you killed yourselves. And we will rebuild ascended societies of peace over your ashes.

So, I ask again, what do you believe in? Do you believe that war is a necessary evil to fight greater evil? Or do you believe each of us can make a significant difference in the betterment of our future? In ascension, I do not deal in generalities. I am aware of how I can personally take myself out of the cycle madness. Oh, and if life itself operates on the same cyclic principle as everything else in the Universe, then rest assured that your fallen soldiers on foreign soil are born again within the wombs of your enemy. 

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