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Friday, October 3, 2014

Why Ascension Matters to You

“If you fail to read this article in its entirety, you will likely be dead within the following year along with millions of other sheep.”

When was the last time the Hebrews visited you bearing gifts, financed you in your struggle or offered to help you in any way what so ever? The bible says, love thy neighbor. As a Christian, you certainly do love the Hebrews. You are the largest contributor to the Israeli war effort, and for what reason? Because the Jews are God’s chosen people. You would think, as God’s chosen people, the Hebrews would be Christian enough to share their prosperity with their neighbors rather than use your Christian good will to slaughter them. Do not misunderstand; this is not an anti-Semitic article in any way. I am simply pointing out some backwards-assed Christian thinking that directly affects the rest of us. In fact, your entire ideology has made life a living hell for the rest of us.

As a Native American, here are some similarities my people share with the Palestinians; both our people were invaded by self righteous zealots escaping oppression which slaughtered us by the millions. Both of our people were painted as terrorists for defending themselves. When we defend ourselves it is regarded as terrorism, when you defend yourselves it is regarded as independence. Do not misunderstand; this is not a pro-Muslim article in any way.

Religious ideology alone has resulted in the slaughter of more people on this planet than by any naturally occurring means since our emergence as a species.

Before WWII, the Nazis attacked themselves near the Polish border to mislead their people into believing Poland had invaded them and justify the invasion of Poland. In early American history, defeated and starving natives frequently attacked settlement outposts, stagecoaches and train routes justifying their slaughter by the tens of millions. It wasn’t until they legitimately fought back that it was seen what a true native uprising looked like. But we have seen this tactic more recently in history, have we not?

Simply flood the upper floors of any building you want to demolish with jet fuel and it will come down as beautifully as any building engineers have planned for months to bring down the same way. We know this because we witnessed both the world trade center towers come down with precision accuracy with nothing more than jet fuel.

Google search any building collapse under similar circumstances and you will see that no building in the history of catastrophic collapse has ever come down with such precision… and certainly never twice in succession.

It doesn’t require an in depth inquiry by a panel of experts to explain this. Only in the cases of the WTC and the assassination of John F. Kennedy was such an investigation needed to prove that, in both events, the boomerang bullet curves in favor of the conspirators.

Some historians have said that the people of Nazi Germany were stupid in their ignorance of the atrocity being carried out under their very noses. I respectfully disagree; they were not stupid at all. They simply chose ignorance of events which worked out in their favor. In the same manner, you have chosen ignorance thus far because it has benefited you. Granted, you sheep reading this article do not give a damn either way. So I will point you sheep to events closer to home. Do not misunderstand, I do not mean to insult you by identifying you as sheep. That is your God’s description of you. You will simply believe whatever you are told as long as it comes from the media/doctrine you have been trained to serve.

My faith has been coined Ascension but it is not a religion nor is it accurately described as a faith or ideology at all as some have attempted to categorize it. Unlike your doctrines, in Ascension, I must accept the facts as they are rather than I would like them to be. In observance of empirical and scientific evidence, I do not have the luxury of choosing ignorance.

Three days ago, as of this writing, an international flight arrived in Dallas with passengers exposed to the Ebola virus. Those exposed passengers left the Dallas airport in all directions and some boarded connecting flights to other locations in the US.

All of the other passengers on each of those flights are now exposed to the virus as well as those which they have come in contact along their route. A vast majority of you sheep only know that Ebola is bad in your limited capacity to give a damn. But now that this virus is inside your borders perhaps you will appreciate a more detailed explanation of this virus that your news agencies have been woefully negligent in conveying to you.

The Ebola virus shares the same CDC classification as avian bird flu and bubonic plague. As a threat to humanity, viruses within this classification are categorized as potential E.L.Es (Extinction Level Events) such as the meteor that supposedly wiped out the dinosaurs.

This means the Center for Disease Control recognizes Ebola as capable of decimating mankind worldwide.

Now that you sheep have a realistic no-bullshit understand what Ebola is we can discuss how it relates to you and this article.

As you were told by the media, an American doctor and his health care aides were infected with Ebola which warranted their transport to the US for treatment with a miracle cure for Ebola. It was reported these Americans are now doing fine. Do not misunderstand; Ebola has been killing American doctors and their aides for hundreds of years. Established protocol is quarantine and incineration of the corpse on the location and, under no circumstance, does the infected individual receive transport to a densely populated area.

 If there was an existing miracle cure for Ebola, we would have eradicated it as we did small pox, as small pox is only one of a handful of deadly viruses we have been effective at eliminating.

 By the empirical evidence alone, we ascended can see that, both the story of the infected doctor, the Dallas flight as well as the miracle Ebola cure is a total fabrication. Ebola was already inside the United States long before the news ran that bullshit story.

Granted, I intentionally used your fear of the threat you now face to confront you with some truth you would have otherwise ignored. But it all does tie in. The Native American threat, the Polish invasion of Nazi Germany, The Israeli War and 9/11 were each tactics of self victimization to justify the resulting acts that followed soon after. How does this relate to you on a personal level?

You are now the next to die by the millions at the hands of those fabricating the lie.

What empirical evidence of this do we have? Why do you now deserve to die?

You are your own evidence, so to speak; 12 billion of you and counting breeding beyond your resources without any means to slow or stop. As extermination was the solution to the Jewish problem, as smallpox was the solution to the Native American problem thus Ebola is the solution to the problem you now pose by your exploding population.

You will get sick and within days you will begin to bleed out. Within a week you will be dead by the millions. The infected will be directed to go to containment facilities to receive the miracle cure. Here you will be isolated to die and then stacked in FEMA coffins, four bodies to a coffin, already on location for incineration.

There is no miracle cure for Ebola. Once released, it will wipe billions from the face of the planet. It is an elegant and exquisite killer.

The more words I spend in convincing you sheep of the validity of this article the fewer words I will spend telling you how to protect yourselves. In truth, the planned mass extermination of an exploding population is the 6th damning revelation that has materialized since we began the Idolatry book series 6 months ago. Your doctrines haven’t produced any truth in 2000 years!

Your ambivalence is profound, and to continue to warn you seems futile. Yet it comes to my awareness that many who will survive beyond this revelation will find our message and wake up. After the extermination they will send their soldiers for the survivors, but not to help.

The vectors of contagion are similar to that of the flu virus. It can spread the same way as the flu via droplets on surfaces as well as in the air through sneezes and coughs.

The only defense remains as it has been throughout history. Carefully maintained isolation of the contagion, incineration of all contaminated biological material followed by thorough sterilization of the contaminated environment if not outright incineration as well.

Self Isolation
Ebola is a living thing, without a host organism it will first lie dormant then die. In this, total isolation from others is the foremost effective defense. Do not venture into public places regardless of your measures of protection. It is by this method that the majority of the population will be infected.

Grow your own foods and avoid beef, venison or pork. Chickens or ducks are the preferred sources of protein. Do not use the public drinking water or even bottled water. Gather rainwater, boil it and store it in containers. Do not even bathe in rainwater that has not been boiled or purified. Boiling and using colloidal silver is the ideal method to purify your water.

Potential Carriers
            You can be contaminated by animal vectors. Do not take the obvious for granted. Same as with the flu virus, the person preparing your food can infect your meats. The virus can get onto the hair/fur of your pets and be transmitted to you. The virus can live in the saliva of pets for a time that come into contact with the virus such as mouthing/biting the hand of infected hosts. Do not keep pets, especially fur/hair bearing pets. As well, pets will have to be fed/watered from the precious few stores you have.

            Once Ebola was discovered within the US, it would have seemed prudent that those elected officials aware of the scope of this threat to mankind would have ordered the internet to be freely provided so that those in isolation could continue to receive vital information, updates and communicate with friends and family. Your elected officials have no intention of telling you anything. In truth, once the bodies start really falling, you can expect both the internet and your phone service to die as well. Unfortunately, the radio and television will be your only source of information and the message will be unchanging.

“We have the situation under control. If you are sick, go to your designated treatment center…”

            It will take no less than five years before you can safely venture out again. And then you will require protective gear. Do not worry about such things as invasion by foreign nations. Ebola was a global pandemic yet, ironically, the military might of the superpowers remains intact. Less than 1/10 of the world population will remain.

            I have not told you anything beyond your scope to believe. I began warning you nearly a year ago. A total of five revelations predicted well in advance have materialized as I said they would. The sixth revelation of a global pandemic was told well in advance of the Ebola outbreak.

In Ascension we do not deal in doctrine, gods and mysticism. This was not prophecy, these were/are planned and deliberate acts.

Source: Read Idolatry:

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