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Friday, September 12, 2014

What is Real to You

Understanding human nature is required to understand what you are becoming. It is now accepted that there are two separate and distinct species emerging within human evolution. The assertion fits on all sides if it pleases. What comes next is the seating of the primal human as an animal and the continued evolution of the higher ascended as the dominant intelligent life form.

As a result of the introduction of higher ascended entities, the human species evolve at a rate infinity faster than all other creature on this planet. It is irrelevant whether or not you believe in the energy that is the entity existing within all living things. You previously had no answers for why your evolutionary path is distinctly different from all creatures on your world. Now you have that answer. It is quite that simple. What you are witnessing in your world is the final downfall of the reign of the primal human as the dominant species on your planet.

The primal human will soon become incapable of competing with the ascended that are emerging within their own offspring. The exact timing of this fact is unknown as the rate of biological evolution of the higher ascended is accelerating exponentially to that of the decline of its primitive counterpart. Only 1 in 5 are capable of awareness while asleep (lucid dreaming) which is a necessary part of ascension. Yes, this ability has a purpose, which is to facilitate the higher functions of the human brain and physically evolve the biological vessel.

The premise that intelligence is the definitive measure of higher evolved creatures is in itself woefully primitive. Although the primitive human can possess a rudimentary awareness of universal law, the primitive human cannot grasp the simplest of concepts of it. It has awareness to understand the atom and used it to kill its own kind. An ape has awareness of a rock and will use it to kill its own kind. For its intelligence, the primal human remains an ape.

The effect the entity has upon the vessel is the mechanism of evolution. The primal human can read that statement but cannot grasp its concept. Just as an ape can learn sign language but cannot grasp the concept of communication. As higher ascended, you do not learn these concepts to teach them to apes. You learn these concepts so that you can better understand and adapt to what you are becoming as you continue in ascension. You learn these concepts to understand that the self destructive nature of the primal human cannot be remedied. It is quite simply what they are. They will war, kill their own and grasp tightly to structures of dominance and control because they have not yet ascended beyond their primitive instincts as the animals they were only a few lifetimes ago.

Even if this assertion were not a universal fact the primal human would still fail to thrive because its social structures are flawed and topple at an ever increasing rate with each new attempt at civilization. This is not theory. We see this repeated throughout history.

Even if this assertion were not a universal fact the primal human would still fail to thrive because it breeds itself beyond its viable resources. This is not theory. We see this repeated throughout history and continuing today.

Even if this assertion were not a universal fact the primal human would still fail to thrive because it cannot biologically adapt to the ravaging viruses that are inherent in nature to regulate a pestilence of any one species in any given habitat. This is not theory. We see this repeated throughout history and today as Ebola spreads across the world and the common flu virus becomes ever more resistant each year.

The reign of the primal human as well as the masters they serve is coming to its well deserved end. They cannot govern themselves much less govern anything else. Their repeated failures throughout history are evidence of this. As higher ascended, it is our purpose to ensure the primal human does not re-institute its monkey societies upon this its final decimation. As ascended, this is why you are here. This is why your purpose is not to follow the primal human to its fate, but to acquire awareness, the wealth of human knowledge and to continue your evolution as the newly evolved dominant species on this planet.

The primal human as well as the masters it serves is a self correcting problem. Ascended cannot be deceived by the religions of the masters as we have no need of deities and gods. Universal law governs all things and is tangible whereas ideologies are mere illusions. We do not rely upon the masters to govern us as we are higher evolved to govern ourselves in accordance with Universal Law. As ascended, ours is not a reaching for another ideology. Ours is an embrace of reality as it is and not as we may wish it to be.

Reality is not only the factual nature of existence. It is also the description of the state of existence we create. In this, we create our own existence which is another concept the primitive human has failed to grasp. The recreation of mankind's biblical hell on earth is the reality of the primitive human. But this is his own hell and does not have to be that of the higher ascended.

We do not have to finance your wars and your primitive power plays of control upon the world. We do not have to finance anything. The wealth of human knowledge allows the ascended to fabricate anything mankind has ever created in its history without the use of any economic system at all. Are you staunchest of skeptics still following the reality of this assertion thus far?

Skeptics, your many religions have frequently asserted as fact that animals have opened their mouths and spoke. As you are yourselves talking animals one can only imagine how you fashioned this ridiculous notion. One such religion asserted that an ass warned one of your apostles that death awaited him on the road ahead. If you can grasp that scenario then it should not be too difficult to fathom that an entity is now telling you that death awaits you on your road ahead. But this is only your reality... not that of the ascended.  --- Eve 

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