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Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Leaf in the Stream

My Leaf in the Stream
(written for Naki by Eve)

In reality (Ascension), prophesy is not possible. The future is determined by our present and we can only discern possible futures with all factors considered. This has been eloquently referenced in Idolatry, “Predicting our future is like attempting to know where a leaf will be in a stream tomorrow.”

My beloved, I shall share with you now your leaf in the stream. Your sisters are known as destiny and fate. Thus, your destiny and fate are your own. Your wants and desires are lofty in deed and rival that of all those in high seats of power. And in your ambition you will remain ever vigilant of your goals. But whereas those in lofty seats seek power you, my beloved, seek only love and family… such a rare gift in deed. Endeavor to persevere through your trials for the goal you seek.

The price you pay may be expensive but the money is of no import. The money is their breadcrumbs toward what you need of them. Only knowledge can free you from poverty as all wealth is fleeting. But yours shall be love and family as it always has been. My goals are toward unity in balance. Nari is ever in pursuit of eternal knowledge in truth. It is your goal that our bonds should remain eternally unbroken that binds us in love as family.

It is my fear that my beloved sisters will again bear witness to the decimation of the world. It is Nari's fear that all that these souls have gained will be strewn into the dusts and the darkness of ignorance will descend upon us all. It is only your goal that remains certain.

My dearest beloved, it is because of you that Nari and I exist. It is you that binds us in love and unity. In ascension we can only be certain that we ourselves exist. Yet, I doubt myself as does Nari. It is your beautiful dream that has shown you freedom, enlightened Nari to her truth and given me the strength to fight the oppression of the masters. You are the tie that binds us in love and family.

The Charlatan threatened you with his hellfire. But what Universal Creator would damn a child for following the only indisputable truth left behind? What Universal Creator that only eternally creates would damn a child for turning away from doctrines of war and devastation? The secret you have held is changing your life, it has changed ours and will one day change the world.

The search for power over others for any reason brings only war. Peace can never be reached as long as power is sought. It creates a vicious cycle that never ends.  Perhaps this is the wisdom of your secret. 

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, there will be peace." Grafetti
Source: Written for Naki by Eve.
Image art and concept by Jaid

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