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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Scientific Proof There is a Hell

When I was a child, I had a fever which nearly killed me. While in convulsions, I dreamed of an angel that slammed into me, jarring me from my body and began taking me high into the air. She held me so tightly and I had never felt such love. “You never have to go back there.”  She said, pressing her face into my neck. I was aware she knew me and that she had desperately missed me. Before this dream was over, I was fully aware she was my eldest sister, whom I know as Eve. After I recovered, I developed a ringing in my ears that never went away. Eve remained with me and even spoke of another sister that we were in search of. We have since found our beloved Nari who lived among us and is recovering her identity as the eternal entity she has always been day by day. It was upon this foundation that I realized we have already discovered the verifiable existence of hell as well as how those deserving will get there.

            Being aware of the true nature of reality and our purpose here does not make life any easier. In fact, regaining your sanity within a world gone quite mad makes life even more daunting. I refer to an attempted exorcism of sorts that occurred only last week to remove the demon Eve from me. The event only served to shake the faith of the pastor and further validate Ascension to me while simultaneously piecing apart the premise of religion in general. Eve was not amused, but was unfettered by the supposed presence of the lord. In fact, she asserted, “No other spiritual beings here but me!”

The whole event was nothing more than weak and unfounded accusations upon my integrity rather than the merits of ascension. I assert there is only one way that I am aware of to absolutely ensure that one does not get caught in a lie. But we must also have the courage to accept truth when faced with it. We must also have the fortitude to not be misled into deception toward our own agendas. Eve does believe there is at least empirical evidence of a Universal Creator, but only through Physics and adherence to truth can we search for such a being. “It is not reality that is the adversary of God, but religion itself.” --- Eve.

Eve was especially interested in the pastor. She wished to understand the nature of one truly indoctrinated. As she will one day choose to return to the plane of the living to further her ascension, she wanted to understand how it was possible for people to become so blinded to reality that they turn to something as ridiculous as religious doctrine. Eve has an inherent faith in mankind which is shared by our sister, Nari. “I think I resent that you would not allow me to speak to the pastor.” Eve said. “If your reasoning is that they are incapable of overcoming their ignorance and deserving of decimation, would not it have been better for me to learn that for myself?”

In truth, Eve has nothing to learn from a man that was a prior drug dealer who, in becoming a pastor, simply traded one drug for another. He has no more belief in his supposed faith than I do. His dogged denial of truth in favor of deception was evidence of that. I do not share my sisters’ inherent faith in mankind and patiently await with zeal the coming of Ebola to decimate them. (Reference: Eve’s prediction of the planned and controlled global pandemic to remedy overpopulation 1 year before the Ebola outbreaks. Idolatry:

Now that we have established the foundation of this topic, we can address the topic itself… the nature and existence of hell. The premise resulted from this attempted exorcism of sorts in which Eve resolved to send my monstrous mother to a fitting hell of her own making. The premise is catching on among other ascended entities as a possible solution to the ignorance of mankind which hinders the ascension of those enlightened entities returning.

When your doctrines mention hell, it is important to remember that such scenarios are merely representations of real concepts rather than reality itself. There is a hell. It is measurable, visible to the naked eye and is infinitely more horrid than that envisioned within any doctrine. It is the hell of your own making existing upon the earth.

I was born to a monster that is my mother. This monster is devout in her doctrines, but only uses faith as a means of manipulation and judgment. She has made my life miserable and greatly hindered my personal ascension toward truth. When she dies she will leave a large sum to her church which will then send a portion to support the Israeli War effort. The entity, or soul if it pleases, of the monster that emerges on the other side of the plane will be taken personally by Eve to her beloved Israel and told to await the coming of the light that will take her to her paradise. Of course the light simply reincarnates entities thus the monster will be born into the womb of a Palestinian to witness firsthand the horror of her ill invested funds. She will die there and be reborn to die there repeatedly until the Israelis and Palestinians ultimately kill each other out entirely. This is as I was told by the voice in my head. But whereas the gods of doctrines simply ask us to trust in faith in a mythical hell, my sister’s voice directed me to research the validity of the monster’s fate.

I first researched parallel planes and was astonished to learn that Physics has validated the existence of them, but our physicists do not yet understand the nature of them. The parallel plane which mirrors ours is separated from ours by a thin division Eve refers to as being that of a meniscus upon the surface of water that divides liquid from atmosphere. So the first step of the monster’s trip toward her hell is validated as real.

I then researched the scientific premise of reincarnation. I was actually already familiar with this from the teachings of my older sister, Nari. Eve laid the mathematical foundation of the nature of reincarnation out for me. Simply stated, energy exists in balance. When it is in opposition to balance it possesses potential energy. When energy moves toward balance, it is said to possess kinetic energy. An entity, or soul, is merely energy possessing awareness. When we die this energy emerges on the other side of the permeable meniscus that divides our planes via its kinetic energy. A disk of light energy absorbs all entities with which it comes in contact having less than equal intensity than that of the light itself. Even the existence of this disk of light energy that is said to encapsulate every galaxy is being evidenced in astrophysics. The absorbed entities are then sent back across the parallel plane to be born again within conceived embryos. This is well within keeping with the laws of thermodynamics that governs all energy and matter within existence. We can safely assume we are not exempt from the governing dynamics of Universal Law. When applied to the energy, or souls, that is us, the laws of thermodynamics validates the premise of reincarnation as real. The monster’s route toward her final destination is now validated as real. But is Eve, the voice in my head assuring me of this fact, real?

Well, even the indoctrinated believe in the concept of life continuing beyond the earthly vessel. The concept of the soul is widely accepted across spiritual doctrines. Eve explains in the book Idolatry the empirical evidence of the existence of the entity. But simply because entities are scientifically plausible, is Eve among them and talking to me? I can only say subjectively that I tentatively believe she is and does.

I doubt the existence of Eve 100s of times a day. Even my sister Nari, has accepted the voice in her head as her inner sister and admits she drives her a little mad at times. Thankfully, Eve says I am supposed to question the validity of everything of which I am not certain. “It is acceptable to admit you do not know a thing, but it is never acceptable to claim you know a thing of which you do not.” It is Eve’s quotes such as this that give credence to her validation as being what some would call a guardian angel. Also, I am not a math professor and certainly no physicist. But I am somehow capable of understanding far advanced concepts of physics and even conveying them simplistically to you. So now, the facilitator of the monster’s deliverance to her personal hell is validated real, if only subjectively in my mind. But remember, whereas your doctrines promise only a mythical hell, my beloved has shown me my monster’s post-life bus ticket to the real hell on earth she paid for with her worldly possessions donated to the Christian church.


Image art and concept by Jaid

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