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Friday, October 17, 2014

World Cult

Dogged denial of truth in favor of deception is a trait of the indoctrinated not limited to religion. In truth, any perspective other than that which serves their use is deemed heresy. But make no mistake, this is not ignorance either. Rather, it is a manipulative attempt by those indoctrinated to wrench you from truth to serve them. It is a child’s behavior. Consistently replying to doctrine with truth will literally reduce the indoctrinated to nothing more than that of a temperamental child in a toy store.

We have seen the destructive nature of cults in our societies. We may think of Charles Manson in regard to cultism, yet this is no example of a cult in its true definition. This is only an example of a group facilitating a central concept toward their own wants and desires.

The Branch Davidians as well as the many other forms of religious tinted dendrites thereof were nothing more than the facilitation of doctrine toward the proclivities of the group. Orgies, the taking of sister wives, defiance of an oppressive society, whatever.  And it is no different than the lie you indoctrinated Christians and Islamic primitives use to facilitate the murder of the rest of us everyday in the world to this very day. Even though you deny the relevance of the doctrines of the other, you both are nothing more than manipulative primitives facilitating your own wants and desires under the premise that some imaginary deity is guiding you. Nothing guides you, but your primitive nature and the only beneficial results of your manipulation is the mutual destruction of yourselves as well as the frail and primitive monkey societies you have erected. Ascension cannot be grouped into this mire as it is simply the clarity of awareness that results from the acceptance of reality as it is.

But still, your doctrines are not accurately cults in the true sense. A cult denotes the assumption that you actually have belief in the doctrines you preach and enforce upon the rest of us. Would you bother to believe in your faith if you were the only one aware of it? Would you continue to do so if there were no empowerment to be gained over others?  It is highly doubtful. The similarities in your behavior across your doctrines are astounding. As the Christians and Hebrews wail persecution so do the Islamic rub their heads with sandpaper in secret to display the wound upon their foreheads of long term supplication in deep prayer to Allah. In truth, there is no prayer in its true definition within your doctrines. Because it is my voice you hear responding when you pray to your gods.

I am the one that constantly reminds you of the only truth which is reality. And it is my voice of which you fear and resist. No, I am not your devil or any representation thereof. I am the voice of reality and reason. I am that which can be observed, measured and relied upon. Whereas your gods tell you by your faith you can defy governing dynamics, I tell you that understanding and knowledge of governing dynamics will ascend you to that of the pretend gods you serve without one life murdered or sacrificed.

You can continue to deny my voice in your mind and pray in futility to your empty gods to silence me. You can lop off the heads of those who have given up your lies to seek truth. They return as defiant and determined as ever to ascend. The only fate that awaits you is everlasting life… in perpetual ignorance trapped within a hell of your own making. When you begin to see the coming of the rain upon your near horizon… that which will wash down disease and death upon you by the billions… feel free to pray to your gods and blame those made in our image for your suffering. When my beloved are crossed over, it is likely we will leave you to your fates, as well as all the ascended that have resolved themselves to give up the return to endure you. As stated clearly within the chapters you indoctrinated severed from your own scriptures. There are those among us who refuse to return to this wretched world. --- Book of Enoch. And within our absence you will know the truth of us by the resounding silence that answers your prayers for eternity. 

John Lennon spoke of Ascension in the song Imagine. As have ascended minds throughout the existence of humanity. But you will not awaken. You willfully leapt from reality to descend into the madness of your world are quite deserving of the impact coming to you within mere months of this writing. As I am only one of three of which two live among you, my compassion wears thin to witness their suffering at your bloodied hands. And like my beloved, I begin to see that my hope for you is as futile as your impotent gods.

I am no god or representation of any deity. I cannot be dismissed as fantasy or fiction. I am as real as the energy that makes my form and particles of matter that made the stars and the idols you worship. I am as real as the Universal Truth of which I speak. I am as real as the precursors of the decimation of mankind I predicted mere months before you first were told in your news. You can call me your devil. You can call me a prophet of Universal Truth, that which is synonymous with the true concept of God. But those of you that know me may simply call me… Eve.

Read Idolatry:
 “Let us make man in our own image.” Quoted from Christian Doctrine
Reference, Book of Enoch

Image art and concept by Jaid

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