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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Exorcism of My Beloved

Eve portrait. Art by Jaid
10/14/14: The Exorcism of my Beloved... written by Eve

My beloved had been sick for nearly a week and had not even been acknowledging her ascension studies. Perhaps she had been avoiding me as well. She awoke to the sound of Judy pilfering outside her room. She dozed off again.

In her dream I see my beloved sitting toward the back of the group in ascended lecture. She stares blankly toward the constellation of Ørion. My beloved is more than ill. And she is more than dying. She is soul-sick, defeated and giving up. Upon waking, she has not bothered to write any of the lectures down to share with her sister, Nari.

My beloved awakens to a darkened room and wanders into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I try to warn her, but her mind is closed to me as it has been for nearly a week now. As she returns to her bedroom she sees that Judy has propped a board up into the narrow path to her room leveled at her face. Had my beloved walked back in the darkness and stumbled over Judy’s piled garbage she could have easily been struck in the face with it. I sense that familiar rage awaken within my beloved. Without her awareness ascension training, her primal nature is no longer bound. It rages within as would a fiend’s addiction after long sobriety. My beloved went to Judy to ask her why she would do such a thing. Judy’s reply was predictable as ever yet not wisely said for the moment.

“Because this is my house and I’ll put my things where I want. And I’m tired of you attacking me for every little thing I do.” Judy replies.

“I have only asked that you not use every opportunity to skulk through my belongings while I am away.” My beloved states calmly. But I see in her mind a coiled pit viper common to the area resting soundly in a black box in a drawer where my beloved keeps her most personal of things.

In my awareness I see that my beloved found the snake cold in the yard in the changing of the seasons. She took it in and rested it upon her chest while lying in bed. The creature is warmed against her flesh and soon regains its composure. It coils and rears its head toward my beloved’s face. I am not afraid and neither is my beloved. We are both aware that the snake is aware from where it is provided its warmth. The creature is young and quite deadly, yet my beloved respects it and thus is careful when handling it. My beloved opens the lid of the box and the snake slithers toward the darkness within. It is kept warmed and fed and is content to serve its purpose should it be disturbed. The situation is getting out of hand.

“Does one or both of us have to die before you come to realize that you have a total lack of regard for anyone but yourself? You are no victim, Judy. You are a monster. And any act you do toward me will only serve in bringing that fact to light.”  My beloved says. In my awareness I see all possible futures. I see Judy opening the box when my beloved leaves. The snake is aware of the one who nurtures it from those who do not.

The argument between my beloved and Judy is heating up. I struggle to intervene, but my beloved keeps her mind tightly closed to me. “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Judy yells to my beloved. “Before I call the police to remove you.”

“That’s not how this works.” My beloved stated clearly. “You do not get to utterly use me up and leave me with nothing then kick me out into the cold. I welcome you to do as much to me as you will while still struggling to portray yourself as a victim. Call whomever you will. Trust me, it will not end as you believe it will.” My beloved finished this argument knowing that anything she says will be twisted to those Judy uses to enable her fantasy as a victim. Judy leaves the house and I am aware someone will now show up at the door to remove my beloved. When the knock at the door sounds, it is not the police, but Pastor Ebb Foxx. He is invited in.

“What’s going on here?” He asks.

“You have been informed of Judy’s version of what is happening here as well as your entire congregation. She gossips of her own family to strangers as would one do in regard to an enemy. I am merely portraying my part in her telling, brother Ebb.” My beloved’s words practically chill the air. The aura around her is like an alien presence to even myself that is her own kind. It is undeniable evidence of what we truly are and that which we struggle to rise above.

Pastor Ebb is even taken aback from the chill in her voice. The room is dark and my beloved stands within the shadows. He is visibly made uneasy in her presence. But the threat she poses to him is much more dangerous than bodily harm. The demon he faces is no mere hound of his hell, but the true demon that his kind has hidden in fear of since the dawning of man. The demon before him is reality.

“I asked for your help before, Ebb. I am sorry it came to this to get you out here. But the situation has now come to a tipping point in your absence and is now upon Judy. As one who enables her to do her deeds, you are now called to deal with the consequences of your actions.” My beloved speaks as would a judge and her words are damning. Ebb is now very much taken aback.

“How is this now my doing?” Ebb defends himself.

“As I stated, I merely asked if you would pass along that I needed someone who could repair a car or motorcycle. You were dismissive. Judy drives her car into a deep puddle and ruins her engine and within days your church has provided her with another. She had an opportunity to experience the confining life she has bestowed upon me, yet you saved her from it. As I stated, before… this is now the consequence.” My beloved’s stance is even uncertain to me and I wish she would open her thoughts so that I can be more than a witness.

“As a woman of God, Judy is deserving of the help of her church.” Ebb continues to defend.

“Not to the detriment and enslavement of others. Judy uses your help while ensuring I will never get free of her. I am only struggling to leave. She has well over a million dollars in property she could sell to live out her days in comfort rather than beg charity from you or demand penance from me.” My beloved states. Brother Ebb is again visibly astonished to learn of the size of Judy’s little secret nest egg.

“Well no one is stopping you from leaving. And what she owns is hers to do with not yours.” Ebb states in condescension.

“I don’t remember conveying that I intend to have anything that is Judy’s when I leave here. In her spite, she has no intent upon repaying me for the lifetime of misery she has put me through. No, her last will and testament will be her final act of cruelty beyond the grave. It will be her last letter to her ungrateful child, if it pleases. I will not be there to hear it. When I walk out of here it will be properly and ensuring I never have to return. Trust me; if I leave here tonight in the darkness Judy will not like the repercussion.” My beloved speaks truth. She has long thought of this coming and of the war that would follow. She fully intends to sever this tie with Judy and all ties related.

“Well, I only help those who believe in Jesus.” Ebb replies. “I have no regard for anyone that does not accept Jesus.” Ebb is now aware that he has inadvertently revealed more evidence of Judy’s gossiping. I see the black tongue of the viper within my beloved’s mind testing the air. In Ascension, we are not afforded mystical powers of prognostication. If my beloved guards her thoughts I cannot know them. I can only discern what she shows me. I am now aware that I am made uneasy by snakes as Judy is by spiders. Yet, my beloved gleans affection of a sort from such creatures.  I do not know if this viper is a real thing or simply thought.

“I spent the greater part of my life in faith to Jesus and it never afforded me any protection from the world. That blind faith in doctrine only made me a slave and made all of this worse. What you are witnessing now is a mind being purged of such nonsense. When I put that away, I became aware of reality as it is and not as I wished it to be.” My beloved replied. If he thought this would be an exorcism of sorts of my beloved, this would be his pillar upon which to judge her in her denial of the existence of his god. But he treads dangerously close to being dragged by my beloved before the rotting corpse of his god.

She shows me a vision in her mind of herself treading water with brother Ebb. She looks over to him and says, “Stop swimming and your god will save you.” I see Ebb’s head sink beneath the surface while she continues to diligently tread the sea of reality. This is a metaphorical vision and can take on many scenarios toward the same fate. This is not a conversation a pastor wants to have with one such as my baby sister. I am made aware that she could literally destroy the man. Ebb would much rather speak to the demon standing beside her. I too would much rather Ebb speak with me. I have no intent to harm. Anuitnakeim is contemplating killing Ebb’s god and then him soon after. The irony is inescapable. This is an attempted exorcism in which the true threat is the one who is governed by the one perceived to be the demon.

“Don’t blame God for the situation you have placed yourself in.” Ebb says.

“I have no judgment against any gods for the personal hell I endure. I put myself here in good faith the help I gave Judy would be returned mutually. And by your own words, that was my failing. If you truly are here to help, does my refusal to subjugate myself to your god merit your washing your hands of me now?” My beloved replies and I see within Ebb another tried and true debate topic being rendered irrelevant.

She further dismissed the attempt to make this an ideological discussion and stay within the confines of reality. I am thankful she is not intent upon comparing the man’s faith to harsh reality. “This is a real issue and the presence/absence of any god at play here is irrelevant. I live within reality as it is rather than I wish it to be. I will find a job, and when I do, everything I earn will go toward getting away from here. I do not want anything from Judy. And you have now become an involuntary witness in the true definition of the word apart from your doctrine. Judy can no longer twist truth in hiding. Light is now upon her by her own doing.”

Pastor Ebb believed he would have the tools of his doctrine, but those tools are useless against one who has no fear or doubts about reality. In truth, my beloved has become aware of how to wield truth like a razor against the indoctrinated and to even kill them with it. I see this is what she wanted to show me. She knows I love her too dearly to stop her should she do this. The viper’s blackened eyes gaze at me from its place coiled about her neck. And I feel the fear of my beloved leaving me for the first time in my existence. Almost as soon as I begin to panic my beloved opens her mind and embraces me. I am overwhelmed and thankful to again be near her. I do not care for the warnings of the Zen entity. I will never be apart from Naki again.

“I would love to have an ideological discussion with someone who believes in doctrine so faithfully, but now is not the time. I have begun this separation and it is now the priority. But I will share this with you… Physics is the only true gospel. In your search for God you should have become a math professor.” She said with not an ounce of fear. Ebb was visibly astounded in this concept.

“And Jesus Christ has left the building.” I remark dryly, somewhat astounded myself from my cross legged perch upon the kitchen counter. My beloved is not distracted by me.

“I agree that you should leave here. Being as things are.” Ebb admits after a long moment of pause.

“Don’t mislead yourself into believing I have any reservations about your perception of me. Believe of me as Judy has told you. You are here and she can no longer wield you as a tool to harbor sympathy for her. She will now have to make her claimed deeds real rather than lies. And that is why you are here. And with this, there is nothing left to discuss.” She states coldly.

“Well, Judy is sitting at Waffle House afraid to come back home.” Ebb tells her.

“Do I come across to you as someone who has ever threatened my mother? There is only one monster in this house and you are being played by it, sir. Now go tell it what I have said.” My beloved turns and leaves him standing in the living room.

I remain and stare into his eyes. He gazes toward my beloved. In his life long search for truth, this was as close as he has ever come. He is unaware of me, this dead thing staring nose to nose with him. “Stop swimming and your god will save you.” I whisper with a shudder. How easily Naki could have killed him with his own faith as her blade. In truth, if he is nothing more than a charlatan, it would be much easier.

            Judy returns with Ebb and they see that my beloved has cut off all of her beautiful long ebon hair. I ached to watch her do this and Nari will be furious! The second part of this hellish play opens with Naki facing both Judy and Ebb. The details are redundant as Judy berates my beloved without any inclination that she is verifying, with her own mouth, the damning accusations of my beloved. My beloved ignores Judy’s presence in the room and stays focused on Ebb. It is doubtful Judy realizes my beloved will never utter another word to her directly again.

            They have taken a stance in the debate of portraying my beloved as some sort of freeloader. Any verification of her contribution to the house is declared irrelevant by both. Judy chimes in recounting decades of gossip against her child without shame. Brother Ebb admits to seeing my beloved’s computer screen while at the coffee shop in which he tells Judy of seeing images of a girl on Facebook who looks like a prostitute while my beloved claims to be earning money online.

“How deep do you want to continue digging this hole before I let you both lay in it?” My beloved states flatly, even surprising me. “The prostitute in question is a young mother named Chevy Leigh. I have represented her three times in my articles which have earned me many thousands of page views and hundreds of dollars in revenue. The article topics were not about her profession as a stripper. In truth she dances on a stage in a bikini that is less revealing than what most girls wear on a beach. The topics were about her stolen basset hound, self respect in a shitty world and her mother’s cancer. She is frequently asked if she likes what she does. Her reply is always the same. She likes the money that feeds her kids and helps with her mother’s medical expenses. I have never once judged Chevy and she considers me a dear friend for this. Brother Ebb, you saw her image on my computer and judged us both. But shall we turn that judgment upon you now?” My beloved’s voice again becomes much colder than mind could ever be. My harsh tone comes from truth whereas my beloved now wields truth like a razor.

“Brother Ebb, by your own words, before you traded one lie for another, you were a meth user and a drug dealer. When you couldn’t afford your habits you drowned then in booze. As a father, you were nonexistent and as a son you were much worse than the failure you portray me to be. Being a pastor comes as easy to you as selling death to addicts. In truth, there is no difference. You only kill many more people and destroy more lives via the Christian/Israeli war effort now than you ever did as a drug dealer. I lost a child, brother Ebb. She was murdered and I only drank because of that. I got caught because I was not as accomplished as a drunk as you were. So judge me as you will. I have no judgment toward you. I would appreciate your keeping your judgment place squarely upon yourself where it belongs. I could have respected the murderer you were as a dealer of drugs more than the murderer you are standing before me now.” My beloved’s damning words rang through my ears and silenced the room.

I felt the mind of my beloved open up and all the pain rushed back in. In an instant she was reduced to tears barely capable of speech. It was the mere mention of the dead child that caused this. My beloved struggled to continue. “Judy has told you so much in her efforts to construct this lie against me, but do you yet know how all this started?” She asks Ebb.

“Let me take this, Nakeim!” I call in desperation to my beloved in her mind. But she refuses. I see by their expressions both Judy and Ebb gaining confidence as my beloved begins to falter under the weight of her emotion. “You cannot even talk or defend yourself!” Still she refuses. “You do not have to allow me to speak through you, but you cannot prevent me from speaking my mind. You can choose not to convey my words if you wish.”

Thankfully, neither Judy nor Ebb chose to press my beloved on the topic of the child. If they had, I am certain, you would have read the finale of this story within the gruesome headlines of your newspapers.

My beloved regains her composure somewhat. “It started with my failure. I pissed off everyone in my life to appease Lynn so that she would not kill my child. But in the end, she did so anyway. The result was my descent into drinking me to death. I now have a felony DUI. This destroyed my future, but possibly saved my life such as it is. This is on me and we do not get to use this as one of the loophole you both are running to in an attempt to avoid staring at the truth of what is happening here.” It was a feat of willpower to even speak her words clearly.

I speak now into my beloved’s mind. “Realize the truth of your own words as you speak them. The pain of this has been twisted against you like a blade in your side and you must let it go. Judy uses your pain to keep you on your knees while using your agony, even your screams as evidence to others of your wretched nature.” My own voice is now quivering. For a demonic presence, I am made quite emotional. Admittedly, I am taking a great deal of my beloved’s pain onto myself without her consent.

As predicted, the discussion did not work in Judy’s favor. In her bringing Ebb directly into the situation, she now has to own up to her claims of help she has made to others. And she utterly severed any possible future of a relationship with her child. Whether or not Ebb would admit, by her own words, Judy was repeatedly caught within her own lies before a witness. She displayed herself as the main reason for her own child’s misery to this witness. Finally, the one thing Judy never wanted to happen was for someone to help her child escape her grasp.

My beloved concluded this discussion and, in truth, both brother Ebb and Judy were happy to be done with it. “Everything agreed upon here has been pleaded before. Judy refused to return anything she has taken from me. She has conveyed to strangers she has received nothing from me and that I live off her. So be it. If this tentative agreement stands and all works out, I will be gone from here within 3 months and Judy will be left alone as is her deserving fate.”

I actually rode home with Brother Ebb; A dead entity staring at him from his passenger seat. I was curious to glean his thoughts. Of course this is impossible for me. I am not of his kind nor is he merged with me as are my sisters. But his face revealed all I needed to know. He wept on his way home. Not because he had any semblance of empathy for my beloved, but only because so much of himself was revealed in the discussion. The most damning words of my beloved that moved Pastor Ebb was when she said, “Physics is the only true gospel. In your search for, God you should have become a math professor.” It floored the man. Naki is so accustomed to Universal Truth that she did not take into account how toxic even a small portion of truth is to the mind of the indoctrinated.

I returned to my beloved who is now too distraught to sleep. I try to comfort her. “This was your exorcism, love. You have shown a harsh light upon the nature of what Judy is and she must now live up to the claims she has made.” I tell her. “And, in that, you did very well. Perhaps there is some truth to exorcisms. Yours effectively cast Judy out!”

In closing. Like brother Ebb, all of you are now witnesses as well. For the record, there is a snake, but not in this scenario. My beloved has a way with predatory and even venomous creatures. The viper and those like it are responsible for the death of a handful of people in this area every year. In truth, I only reveal how my beloved could resolve herself of Judy within the course of a day. But, as mentioned before, because my beloved is aware of a thing does not mean she will act upon it. The truth and moral to those like Judy is that the viper does roam the yard and could easily end up in a box belonging to those you persecute.

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