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Friday, November 28, 2014

Dealing with Primals in the Workplace.

            We have discussed various deep concepts that really aren’t deep at all when you think in terms of reality compared to the absolute nonsense mankind attempts to pass off as real today. I think it is near time we stepped away from the task of convincing you there is no Santa or Tooth Fairy and address some real life issues that ascended human beings face every day.

            Dealing with primitives in our modern times is no different today than it has been throughout history. But there is one significant twist. Primitives today are no longer merely the apes outside our walls, but the ape-like personalities that walk upright and appear like rational people until they open their mouths. If you happen to be one of these highly difficult Type-A Personalities you should really read this carefully and grow and learn from it.

If you are so insecure that you must belittle your employees you should know that their silence is not a validation that you are smarter than they are, but simply that they need their jobs. These people may be aware that their tax dollars go toward acts of murder in other parts of the world. They stare at you in frustration fully aware that you are a lying, manipulative, self absorbed, petty individual with absolutely no concept of reality. These people may be much smarter than you are and fully capable of taking your job, but may also aware they don’t want the headache.

First we must identify the primal which is not difficult at all. The primal is generally an ignorant human being. Do not mistake education or intellect for ascension. These people can be highly educated and remain as daft as a stone. Many companies mistake the characteristic asshole nature of the primal as leadership and promote them to management positions. Many of you elect them into positions of political power and then wonder why your world is in such disarray.

Dealing with the primal in the workplace is typically no different that dealing with them in any other environment. Ignore them and avoid them whenever possible. Do not attempt to reason with them as they are incapable of logic and reason. The primitive craves conflict and will typically go after the new employee having been identified as an idiot by others. Like a barking dog, if not given any attention the primal will typically move on.

It is inevitable that there will come a time when we will be required to rebuild the world that the primals have nearly destroyed. When this time comes we will most surely have to deal with the primals still seeking power and control over the rest of us. But we must remember the state of our world under their rule. In positions of power, the primal is incapable of governing himself thus cannot hope to govern others.

So overall, do not let these individuals affect you. Do not give them any reason to notice you and they will eventually leave you alone or fall on their own faces trying to affect you. Dealing with and overcoming these primals is a vital part of your own ascension and you must look at this as only a small part of your personal growth. More to come on this as I overcome my own primal in the workplace… it should be an interesting read as I have fallen many a primal in my time!

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