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Sunday, December 7, 2014



            I realize, after speaking with more than a few people on the subject, that we all exist within various states of awareness in regard to reality. Most are intrigued and fascinated by my theory of Ascension. Some scholars are astounded at the assertions I have presented regarding various subjects within genetics, astrophysics and anthropology. Some religious have simply gotten up and walked away from the table. My mind returns often to a comment made by a valued associate whom I regard as an ascended teacher, Rohaan Solare. I paraphrase, “Many people are putting philosophies out there simply because they sound good.”

            I am well aware of such concepts, both established and far from, that make absolutely no sense. I admit I constantly second guess myself as well as the speculative methods by which I have obtained my awareness of concepts far beyond my scope. It is for this reason, I have others to review what I have witnessed along my journey of discovery that I have coined as Ascension. Also, as further scrutiny, I have compared my assertions and experiences with physics and found them all to be valid within the laws of physics. I have also compared my assertions to historical record and was able to help others fill in missing pieces to discern mysteries of how we evolved as a species. I have been personally astounded to have witnessed predictions I made early on to have come to pass within months of having bravely posted them. Like a child frightened by shadows on the wall, this nearly made me withdraw back into ignorance. I was reassured these were not prophecies coming true, but a careful study of all possible future outcomes with all known possible factors considered. “The revelation of these events coming to pass as predicted is less important than the intent of those who brought them about.”

You see, I do fear for my soul. I am afraid I am dishonoring God by what I have learned and presented to the world. But I have seen what lies behind the veil of all the world’s religions. And instead of God I found only the manipulative works of men throughout history to this very day. And I have this constant voice in my head that has revealed these things to me. She asserts she is no God or angel. And she fits no mold as a devil. She tells me knowledge is not evil and that we are never justified to kill another. She has told me to always question everything, even her existence, even though she has revealed to me more validated truth than any religious scripture I have ever read in my search for God and purpose. At least as a genuinely honest soul, I can assert with confidence that Eve is more real than the people around me. Coming from someone that was once accustomed to being wrong about everything and everyone all the time, having an inner voice that has yet to be wrong about anything is quite a self validation. “I am no deity and I am not perfect. I am not above being wrong or immune to the prospect of having to one day eat my own words.”

Among the many revelations made in Idolatry, Eve has reassured me that no god would create me with awareness to seek truth and destroy me for learning it. “If God had ever spoken to man, it would have been in a language impossible for corrupt men to alter. The only language impervious to the corruption of man is physics. And it has been validated as being the basis of all creation in the Universe. In this, physics is the only true word of God.”
Granted, some would say Ascension is nothing more than the latest addition to a long line of doomsday nonsense. While there have been assertions made regarding the end of life as we know it upon the Earth, Ascension reveals this is not the work of gods or fate, but the result of the ignorance of mankind himself. “The assertion of the end is as certain as the outcome of a stray dog crisscrossing the busy highway; the exact day and time his luck runs out is really quite irrelevant isn’t it?”

Belief is subjective. One chooses to believe in a concept or he chooses not to. Do you believe the bible you read is the unadulterated word of god? Or is the version clearly printed just inside the front cover? Do you believe a Universal Creator requires you to destroy in its name and in honor of it? Do you believe things in the Universe can directly affect you personally even if you choose not to believe in them?

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