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Friday, December 19, 2014

On Love and Bonds

What I would not do with you while in a relationship with another is just as important as what I would do if I were single. We have misguided reasons as to why we should be faithful in our relationships with others. We are faithful because the laws of man and doctrine decree it. It is sort of like being good or Santa will not bring you a present.

In ascension you become aware that all properties of matter and energy form bonds that create the existing reality. Everything around you is a result of these bonds. You are yourself a result of these bonds. When you begin to accept your place as being a part of reality, rather than a master over it, you begin to see the necessity for your purpose within it.

We form bonds with others because we are eternal beings of energy possessing awareness. This is not a new age concept, but keeps well within the laws of thermodynamics. In your efforts to achieve higher awareness, do not get so fully into yourself that you deny you are energy that can neither be created nor destroyed. Do not foolishly assume the same principles that apply to everything else do not also apply to you. Do not assume a god exempts you from universal order.

Our awareness makes the physical nature of our bonds deeply emotional, but these bonds are no different than the ones we witness in the natural environment. This simplifies things for us somewhat. Like other certain properties of matter and energy, those that cannot bond remain free… and eternally alone. As entities, and do not deny that you are an entity (energy possessing awareness), it is also our purpose to bond and become more than ourselves. These bonds are what sustain us over the course of our existence.

As primal entities ascending, it is your purpose to bond, and to remain true to that bond as well. It is not simply about finding a mate, but establishing the type of union that you require to strengthen and broaden your awareness. Selecting an ascended guide has nothing to do with peering into crystal balls or venturing out of your body. It is about seeking knowledge and truth, and questioning established theorems for one’s self. During the course of your search you will come across others also in search of truth.

Bonding with another is about learning from and inspiring each other. Do you work well together, and do you both create positive growth in each other? Of course there are the purely biological and practical aspects of bonding. Essentially; however, what you typically refer to as a soul mate has nothing to do with aesthetics, or even religion. It’s purely a connection that exists on a higher level between you as entities. Do not misguidedly refer to this as a spiritual level. Even your definition of spiritual is bastardized by dogma and other unfounded ideologies. The concepts of faith and spirituality have become diluted, and rendered incoherent by our many doctrines and self involved notions of truth over the course of human history.

Would you turn away from someone whom you are drawn to, that inspires you and brings out the best of who you are, simply because of the car they drive? If not, then why would you turn away from someone that is clearly a good match simply based upon the biological vessel their entity inhabits? Accepting yourself and others as entities within vessels is necessary, not only for you to mature into ascension - it will also cure your society of the inherent ignorance that makes your world a living hell.

It is true, many concepts arise and are put forth simply because they sound good, or resonate somehow. This particular concept sounded good and resonated with the scholars that defined and established what we now know of Physics. It also must have surely resonated with that which utilized the principles of physics to create everything. Sentient or not, we refer to this as the Universal Creator.

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