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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Dogged Adherence to Reality

Chris Kyle (American Sniper)
 Eddie Ray Routh, the man accused of killing former marine, Chris Kyle (American Sniper) delivered a rambling testimony of the events leading up to the shooting. “There are tons of people who are eating on my soul right now,” Routh was reported as saying. “I haven’t been able to sleep. I’ve been waiting for them to come back and eat my soul. I wish the world wasn’t such a soulless place.” The testimony makes us shake our heads in disbelief. How could someone, either deceitfully or honestly, conceive of such? Well, when we consider the equally as far fetched concepts we accept as valid in our religions, ideologies, and cultures is it really so astounding that some among us could get so far from the rational? ISIS is the next evolution in the world’s struggle against radical Islam. For 20 years, our struggle was against Al-Qaeda. We stare in wonder as this new manifestation of the radical Islamic threat carries out acts of atrocity. But, how would mankind have reacted if we had real-time world-wide coverage of the Crusades? The thread weaving the tapestry of atrocity we bestow upon ourselves throughout history is that of just as profoundly insane concepts. How can we justify judging those who venture so far outside the boundaries of sanity when we literally indoctrinate them from birth to believe, based solely upon faith, in concepts that could not possibly be real? I have presented some far fetched concepts in both my writings and my book. However, unlike the doctrines and ideologies of world cultures, these concepts have since been validated in science and supported by physics. Even I was reluctant to publish some of my articles regarding what I can only term as Ascension. But, each time, I find the truth of Ascension to be self validating. And here is where I see the practical use of this concept. “Even if I am nothing more than a part of you, is that so bad? But if this is true, how is it possible for you to have come to know these things I have shown you?” --- Eve. I have had a voice in my mind since childhood that has told me some astounding things that cannot be dismissed as fantasy. True, many religions claim to have the same experience and call it God. However, my voice also asserts, “The only thing we can truly be certain of is that we, ourselves, exist. Everything else must be questioned and requires validation by comparison to the certainty of our own existence. Only then can we cautiously begin to ponder its validity.” --- Eve. In this simple assertion, no religion can be regarded as having a basis in reality. None of our ideologies and none of our culturally accepted norms and even our presumed origins have no basis in reality. If mankind adhered to this simple assertion, there would be no justification for murder and war. There would be no need for governments or religion. We would be hardwired to objectively verify our every concept before accepting it as real, regardless the depth of our own mental disorder. We would exist with purpose as a functioning part of the Universe rather than as an odd product of spooky physics or gods having no concept of our own existence or purpose.


1 comment:

  1. Great food for thought for our forthcoming book "Atonement" in the Idolatry Series!
