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Monday, January 26, 2015

Thus Comes the Rain

As we were writing our first book in this series, I did so with some trepidation. Many of the events were just too far fetched for me. However, the past year has shown me many revelations about the things told in our book, Idolatry. It is undeniable that our world is indeed following the course outlined by our beloved Eve.

"The wealth of human knowledge is no man's to horde or sell. It belongs to humanity, and should be open sourced to the masses by right." Eve's message here pertains to the injustice we accept from our own leaders, who withhold knowledge from us and make it only available to those who can afford to pay a 6 figure tuition to obtain it. She cites the struggle of Aaron Swartz, who was branded as a terrorist by Prosecutor, Stephen Heymann for allegedly attempting to make the entire MIT database available for public access. Aaron was charged with a felony, suffered millions in legal fees, and ultimately took his own life. After his death, said charges were conveniently dropped. This is an injustice which Eve asserted (to our hesitation) Mr. Heymann would atone for upon his own death before a tribunal of ascended elders. It is interesting to note that a few months after our writing, President Obama proposed the first two years of college should be provided free following graduation of high school. A fitting response from the ascended is to rend apart the infrastructure of your governments, and take back what is ours by right.

"Black holes are the engines of the Universe which recycle energy and return it to its inert state." Eve revealed this to me in 1987, and I passed it along in class. My science teacher assured me that nothing could escape the grasp of a black hole - not even energy. Many years later, Mr, Stephen Hawking wrote a lengthy book that simply repeated what Eve summed up in the above short sentence. Yet even Mr. Hawking fell short of describing the natural purpose and function of black holes. Eve's duel with Mr. Hawking did not end with his simple summations of her already established theories. She openly outed him as the driving force behind the secret drone project that would place a living human brain within a mechanical drone that would prove to be so deadly, it must be equipped with a fail safe to shut off its life support within 24 hours should it decide to go rogue. She called this, Project Morning Star. My neighbors, peers and my co-author have witnessed the "unmarked vehicles" and even nervously acknowledged the presence of the "ambiguous characters" that began to appear at the coffee shop following the publishing of our book.

"The rains will come. Within days you will get sick, and within a week you will be dead by the millions." As explained, the leaders of our world have no choice regarding the exploding human population. We will see our world population exceed 15 billion within our lifetime, at which time the birth rate will exceed our ability to even maintain our populations, or feed everyone. A deliberate planned eradication of 80% of humanity on earth is not only inevitable, but necessary. Some of you will regard this as the coming of your god's wrath, but it is nothing more than population control. Your decimation will be a deliberate act, perpetrated by those who are not gods, but those who you designated to lead your nations.

"The entity is energy possessing awareness. It enters into a biological vessel upon conception. It is born, lives, dies, and is reincarnated into ever higher forms of life as it increases awareness toward that of a human and beyond." As I ponder now our future fates, I see that our science would have to be deliberately avoiding the truth of the existence of us as energy possessing awareness (entities) - merely facilitating biological vessels for the means of acquiring the awareness we need beyond our biological vessels. I watch documentaries on the nature of physics in which highly educated scholars declare they are baffled by the nature of quantum physics. Even as they witness a photon become alive through the process of photosynthesis, they deny themselves as energy merely residing within a vessel. Even as they witness properties of matter influenced by nothing but awareness alone they deny the truth of what the ascended have told them. Even more tragic is that we still cling to gods and religions to explain the simple truths of what we are in this, our late day and age.

"Mankind is experiencing a schism into two separate and distinct species, where the ascended will evolve to surpass that of their primal counterparts. The ascended will become the dominant species, and the primals will take their rightful place in the evolutionary ladder - slightly above higher primates." To mankind, I say this: you have pitifully failed us all. As I witness the ticking moments of your dying, I cannot help but feel hopeful. Perhaps in the dusty ruins of your coming fate your primal governments, gods, religions, and sciences of denial will die with you and a new Ascended Society will rise from your ashes. It would be favorable that you simply step down quietly without incident rather than some embarrassing cataclysmic attempt of self-fulfilling prophecy of biblical Armageddon.

"They do not see truth and they do not hear truth"--- Anuitnakeim
"Then let them die. I am no god and never once claimed to be." --- Eve


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