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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A Carnival of Lies

Our society today requires us to be aware as if we were walking through a carnival full of penny prognosticators. These soothsayers of manipulation will turn your own inner workings outwardly against you.

All the world is indeed a stage

This is what you need to be aware of when they tell you what their family plan is, what they offer for financing, what their newest gadget or miracle cure is, or even how great our country is doing compared with some third world nation that was in reality far better off before they intruded upon it. It's the same old "shell" game as has been played out at ever county fair for hundreds of years, and the "pea" was in the shell manipulator's hand the entire still is, in fact.

I liken it to many astrologers and numerologists online today, who first appeared as far back as the carnival card and palm readers. They always promise to "guide" you to some destined fortune, or even predict your future for you. While there is truth in their little bag of tricks, it has been distorted and used to manipulate you. A look at how they do this might just might help you navigate the sideshow ploys of big business and big brother, both of whom take you for the next fool in line.

Truth nestled in lies

Many methods of prognostication do rely on a basis of fact. An astrologer or palm reader, for example, can tell a great deal about you from your palm or birthday. They can also use this information to see "potentialities" in your life, but these are merely things that people with your particular personality type may be inclined toward.

They then use subtle ploys, based upon your own personal leanings, to "guide" (manipulate) you toward a certain course. If they happen to be right, and they could be, simply by the law of averages, then they've got you eating out of their hands, as they eat out of your pockets.

It is the same with Corporate America. They use trends predicted by information you, the consumer give them, to predict anything they might be able to "sell you on", and then they force feed it to you, while their hands reach deeper into your pocket with each passing trend.

Don't play the game

So do be careful the next time you hear the sideshow barker's call. He is calling you forth to hear the mystic's prediction of the latest plan, gadget, cure, or even war movement. He is calling you there to be sold garbage laced with your own hopes, dreams, fears, and doubts about both yourself, and the world around you. Take from this harvest the kernel of truth, if you can, but leave them with their rotten cobs, and don't buy in to the entire harvest of lies.

Image Credit : Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, Author Ryan Hovatter.

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