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Monday, August 18, 2014

What is the Meaning of Life?

Have you ever wondered what the meaning of life is truly?  Perhaps you have asked why we are here and what is our purpose for being? We all come to a point in our life where we are faced with the certainty of our fate. When we lose a dear loved one or we come near to death ourselves, we can begin to ask ourselves these seemingly unanswerable questions. The answers to these questions are not unanswerable and they are not far fetched at all. But we must bravely ponder these questions to know them. The truth of everything we have ever asked about life and what lies beyond flies in the face of all of our beliefs we have loosely filled these empty spaces with. Ironically, you will be surprised to learn that the truth of our existence as well as our existence beyond biological life is natural, perfectly within reason and is provable scientifically.

In accepting these truths we are not losing God, but getting on the correct path toward God. We have built up momentum as a species. We have over exaggerated the concept of spirituality at the expense of our common sense. In denial, we have placed our faith in doctrines that no rational person would remotely entertain. In this, we have let our own petty desires taint the pure philosophy that is the search for God.

Ask yourself, would a God really need for you to kill another human being or an entire society of human beings for any reason? Would a God really want us to fight over land? Would a God want us to divide ourselves against each other for petty differences such as the color of our skin? If your answer is yes, then ask yourself another question. Was your answer a product of fear rather than reason?

In our history, we have advanced as a species toward truth in all things. We have made astounding achievements and have the ability to better the quality of life for mankind. It is an awareness of truth that has made these things possible. Honestly, if not for the heretics that dared to make their assertions of truth beyond doctrine, we would not have all those things of which we use to benefit mankind. Can we deny that it is a doctrine that has manipulated those things toward war and suffering?

It is said that God works in mysterious ways, but I respectfully disagree. God works in truth and has given us the awareness to discern these truths in science, logic, reason and physics. I assert to you the only blasphemy is denial of these truths in enlightenment for the ignorance of doctrine.

We see cycles constantly in nature and in our universe. Is it far fetched to assert we are ourselves products of an ongoing cycle? Resurrection is not a spiritual mythos. It is a cycle no different than any other cycle, we observe in nature. As all things in universal order ascend in an ongoing cycle thus so do we. We can grasp the concept of a soul in doctrine. Why can we not grasp the reasonable concept of us as an entity that ascends through all biological life forms until we reach the human vessel? Is it far fetched to assert that our purpose here is to acquire awareness to exist in the universe as opposed to our purpose to spend our brief time here fighting on behalf of God?

Will you dismiss these valid assertions because they do not mesh with your beliefs as you ponder why you exist and what your purpose is in life? Those seeking the answers in truth will not dismiss them because science is proving them correct.

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