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Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Ice Bucket Wet T-Shirt Challenge!

          So the Facebook Ice Bucket Charity revolution is underway. We have seen some funny video submissions as well as some slightly frightening ones. This is a wonderful example of friends putting Facebook to good use for worthy causes. We can only hope this is the beginning of friends using their connections for more worthwhile causes.

            But as popular as the worthy cause trend has become in recent weeks I have had a long standing friend who has championed the causes of many in need for years. Chevy Leigh has advocated for the rights of women, animals, children, disabled, the poor and more. Now she is one-upping the Ice Bucket Charity trend. Chevy is organizing an Ice Bucket challenge with a twist true to her special style with the Wet T-Shirt Ice Bucket Challenge!

            Chevy Leigh is challenging the ladies to get wet for a good cause and clubs in her local area of Mobile, Alabama to host the event. I doubt she will have any problem getting plenty of offers. However, anything this epic will require promoting, which is why Chevy is asking everyone to share and repost this article to spread the word. Chevy hopes to get a great turn out for the event. And perhaps this could be the beginning of something new in the nature of good causes in social media.

            Chevy can be considered a pioneer in many facets of social media. “Boobies sell!” Says Chevy Leigh, and I tend to agree. This is what Chevy Leigh, herself, had to comment on her Ice Bucket Wet T-Shirt Challenge:
endeavor asking ladies to come out, don their tight T’s and get drenched in ice cold water, Chevy is venturing into uncharted territory by merging social media, worthy causes and boobies in a uniquely personal Chevy Leigh style.

After Watching all the #icebucketchallenge videos from friends and celebrity's over the past few weeks it has really touched me, but even more the videos from the people that this actually affects personally, how they feel about the ice bucket challenge and the awareness and support that it is bringing to light for what they live with every day and there isn't a cure yet, the most common ice bucket challenge is ALS, Also known as #LouGehrig's disease.

So far they have raised $31 million if the numbers are correct. If dumping cold ice water on yourself and inviting friends to join can bring so much awareness and support to that disease, Then imagine what it could do for other diseases or any foundation or charity for that matter. I'm not a fan of cold water or anything could, actually, but I am a fan of helping others. And I can't think of a better way to do help raise money and awareness for these causes than to do it the way most of you know me… #Boobies!

Most everyone likes a good #Wet T-Shirt contest, so I'm going to, with the help of some local bars, put on a series of Wet T-shirt ice bucket contests to bring awareness to other charities. I will also be challenging others to join me, As long as you have boobs you are challenged, I will be personally challenging some of my friends, (already know are comfortable with their boobs) to join me along with all of you coming out and donating to support a different charity each at a different bar a fun show for a good cause!

One charity will be close to home for me, "The Lupus Foundation of America". There are many types of Lupus, each one affecting each person differently, it is very unpredictable and there is no cure. My mother was diagnosed with "SLE Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus" in 2012. (SLE) is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. It can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, brain, and other organs. It started with a red spot on her chest, which, over time, covered her entire body.

            At all times when outside, my mother must protect her skin from the sunlight, even the smallest amount is bad for her skin. She walks around in Walmart completely covered because the exposed UV lights affect her the same way as the sun. She walks outside with an umbrella, wears 100 SPF sunblock and wears long sleeves even on very hot days. Cloudy, rainy days are her favorite.

She recently starting loosing her hair very suddenly and extreme... So she shaved it, hoping for fresh, healthy growth. It's been 6 weeks and it’s barely prickly in the spots that were bald. It's hard on her everyday. Imagine if your hair fell out. She has been unable to work and I have been taking care of her financially for going on 2 years now. It works because of the hours of my job."why do you strip?", "Do you like your job?" My reply is always "I love the money!" My job allows me to take care of her medical costs, prescriptions, Doctor visits and such.
She has no insurance and has been denied 2 times for disability, along with support 2 kids on my own and the cost of everyday things.
She helps me with the kids. She wants to work but can only work "vampire" type jobs. Bartending would be perfect for her. Anyways, so when people ask me

So there is a little of my story.  I'm sure my mother will share her part when she sees this post. For more specifics related to my mother’s type of lupus and how it affects her, visit:

Image and information provided by permission of Ms. Chevy Leigh.

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