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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Awareness Training Dream Asylum

As I enter the doorway I see very young kittens that look withered and sickly being kept on display in a window by a woman that says they are okay but they are blind.

I am walking through a school that is an insane asylum and trying to get out but I am also crazy. Of course I’m wearing nothing but MS State underwear trying to hide my embarrassment as I walk past everyone to get out. I see a class being taught. I hear partially what the teacher says to the class, "… the reason why we are here... you all are going to die very soon, but its okay... the real tragedy is that you will keep dying fore..."

I now approach an open courtyard it is bright sunny and hot. I am sweating and tired. I see a partition with flame rising behind it. A woman is loading cushions with a fork lift. I accidentally topple them over. The cushions are filled with a brown powdery substance that gets on my skin and makes me feel sick when I breathe it in. I am trying to help put the cushions back into place but they are very light and the structure is unstable. The more I put back the more the structure wants to fall. And the more of the sickening powdery substance flies. I apologize to the lady riding the loader but she says I will only topple more once "they" find me. But they already have found me. They are two tyrannosaurus rex dinosaurs, but only the size of raptors. I dodge their sharp teeth until I fall into the structure toppling all the stacked cushions. Down and down I fall landing upon the T-rex that fell with me.

“Oww! Oww! Why did he hit me?”  The T-rex cried. “It is his nature. They are all that way.” The other plastic caveman replied. The T-rex was no T-rex at all now, but a second plastic toy cave man. I leave them in the circular open roof sun room where the lady was loading white cushions high above.

I am now back inside the school that isn’t really a school is it? I am now inside a wide room and other crazy people like me are wandering around. But some are not crazy are they? Some are wandering dead aren’t they?

My friends, Mr. Bill, Cecil and Don are there as well, but poor Mr. Cecil, is dead and unable to breath on his own without a respirator. Thankfully Mr. Bill is there to help him put it on as poor Cecil is decaying. "The instructions say to wait until the 6th breath to reattach the breathing hose, isn’t that the damndest thing?" I was once an EMT a lifetime ago so I suggest, "Perhaps the instructions are written that way to help you to remember how to perform the steps of the process."

Poor decaying Mr. Cecil is struggling to inch himself up Mr. Bill’s body. Mr. Bill sits in Cecil’s wheelchair as he supports Cecil from behind. Mr. Bill helps him to work his way into a t-shirt and then helps him get into his football shoulder pads that is the parts that help him to breath. But Mr. Cecil’s skin is bluish black and even threatening to slough from his skeleton as he struggles. I hope he does not run out of air before he gets it all on. I’m trying not to notice just how badly he smells.
As I awaken I hear a strange night bird sings. I hear it clearly even though I am awake now. I sit for a moment in the dark wondering if I should get up and write this down. Why would I? It was such an obvious farce of a dream.

"You will write it down because every bit of the dream is real isn't it, love?"
"Oh my god!” I exclaim as the realization hits me squarely where I store my illusion of sanity. I have experienced this dream environment twice now. She is correct, the angel that has guided me through my dreams since I was a child. Yes, in fact every crazy part of the wild dream was real... it was real to me. And even as each scenario became even more farfetched than the last, I could not become aware within it. I began to see all the cues within the dream that something very real was trying desperately to make me self aware.

We are told constantly, the atrocities we see are okay. Like the kittens on display, we see the atrocities of the world so often we are made morally immune. The victims being displayed are being starved and infected with disease and like the withered, sickly and blind kittens they are not okay. As Israel is blind that they have joined the same machine that wiped ten million of them out to wipe out Palestine. But we are made to believe the sick withered and blind population that is Palestine is okay?

The school is an insane asylum as our educational systems are only there to indoctrinate the young into our continuing insanity. I’m walking through the school wearing underwear, a classic cue. I am embarrassed of course and feel this is not right, but I want to blend in as best I can, do I not? I try to cross through a class being taught without interrupting anyone. The teacher openly heralds the next coming of the decimation of humanity as it has occurred so many times in our history.

We toil away our lives to support the fragile structures that were designed to topple easily. Even as the poison within it destroys our bodies and greatly reduces our life spans that our vessels are equipped to endure.

The T-rexes are the slaves of the masters sent to find and devour those that have become aware. But even semi-conscious, we are very strong and difficult to catch and kill. We can easily defeat the slaves who cower and feign themselves as victims when we do. But the mighty T-rex are mere primitive toys of the masters. I seek to topple the structures and the primitive slaves to make others aware. It is in my nature and what I do.

Many of us remain unaware within the insanity, but still many others are beyond insane and are as zombies. Their innate awareness as immortal entities have been irreparably suppressed and they will never ascend beyond the cycle of resurrection. They will be enslaved forever. And the appearance and smell of these perpetual dead are disgusting and pungent to those that are even partially aware.

Yes the night bird sounds like she is sing to you. She is singing to each of us nightly. Countless ascended entities whisper these dreams to us to make us aware of the insane nature of our world. The masters have made us so bereft of awareness that we cannot see truth any other way now. But the masters cannot silence these voices calling to us within our dreams so they obscure truth with doctrine. They tell you from childhood these messages are only imaginary and grow up to tell your own children the same. Write your dreams down and you only need to compare them to your reality to see just how insane you have become within it.

My mother has had two dreams so far of the young girl that I know as eve. Eve was my sister in life who died in the womb. She has been my eldest sister for eons of time. I conveyed to my mother who the girl in her dream was and now she is meditating as well. I know that she seeks to be with her daughter. But Eve says she will not be found by her. My mother will have to let go of her false god as I did to see the reality that exist just beyond the thin veil of our illusions. The thin veil is the shadow on the cave wall that Socrates spoke of. To become aware, we have to bravely see these gods for what they truly are and put them down. They are fairy tales portrayed by masters as real that condone death, war, deception and enslavement of the many and empowerment of the very few.

I hear my sister's voice, "If it is this difficult to make you aware within a dream this wild, imagine your task of making those around you aware they are living within an insane world that is not real." This is the nature of awareness training. Dreams, especially reoccurring dreams use the lies of the masters to help us see what is real and what is not. As insane as was my dream, yes, it is the reality we all live in.

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