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Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Secret

Eyes cry, lie and die within my beloved’s lullaby. Peering into the dark what does she spy? With only her awareness as her view… too few… none are new… and only two are her only clues. I won’t cry and I shall not lie lest my cherished stumble and die. Bump, thump and tumble down with you. Little liar! Cry, cry as your cherished die! Why does my beloved cry? When it was her lie that let me die? Truths hidden behind silence are sins of omission a kin to outright lies. I have spoken the truth of which there are only two. No lies will I tell when my loves are too few. Of the young and old, none are new. I will not allow you to die is my second truth. By the strand of my hair, no tears will I ever shed for you.

“Eyes cry, lie and die within my beloved’s lullaby. Peering into the dark what does she spy?” The eldest sister tauntingly sings from somewhere ahead.

“Stop it! Or I won’t play any more!” The youngest sister yells.

“With only her awareness as her view… too few… none are new… and only two are her only clues.” The middle sister chimes in plucking a strand from the child’s hair.

“I won’t cry and I shall not lie…” The child whimpers as she follows her heart like a ribbon through the nether. The warm breeze now grows cold around her. “Lest my cherished stumble and die.”

“Bump, thump and tumble down with you. Little liar! Cry, cry as your cherished die!” The eldest sister laughingly sings.

“Narrriii!” The youngest sister screams. Her eyes swell and sting as the bells tolling a death begin to ring.

“Why does my beloved cry? When it was her lie that let me die?” The middle sister gently sings with her voice tightened in feigned agony.

The tiny child squeezes her eyelids tightly as her sisters’ cold, wet lips gently press against hers in symphony. “Truths hidden behind silence are sins of omission akin to outright lies. I have spoken the truth of which there are only two. No lies will I tell when my loves are too few. Of the young and old, none are new. I will not allow you to die is my second truth.” The child opens her eyes to glare angrily at her sisters now. “By the strand of my hair, no tears will I ever shed for you.”

The dream fades as the three sisters kneel in the cool shade of a tree by a stream. The two whisper a secret into the child’s ears. It is her first truth and by her love they are made immortal.

The secret is shared by Epsonumani and Narietu with their youngest sister, Anuitnakeim. It is a forbidden secret that reveals a universal truth which has the power to free those that know it from oppression and even death. The secret is passed between them from one lifetime to the next for eternity. The secret is told to Anuitnakeim before she is indoctrinated and it becomes her first truth. The first truth is there is no god. And the second truth is that death is only forgetting who you are. In reminding each other, the sisters are made immortal. Alas, the child is pulled by her hair by the two lest she forget.


            As it is understood, the first and original religion on the planet, and far older than any we have previously seen can be related to the three sisters as represented by Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka.
Incidentally, the sister's names as represented in line with these stars are, Narietu (Middle born), Anuitkeim (Youngest) and Epsonumani (Eldest). These sisters of the stars of Orion are also represented in ancient cultures as Destiny (Narietu),  Karma (Anuitnakeim), and Fate (Epsonumani).The stars of Orion as a whole were not recognized by nearly every civilization on the planet - only the three stars we currently refer to as Orion’s belt. Orion, crudely represented as a Hunter is actually a more recent development. But the ancient cultures who first saw Orion in the night sky also knew how to draw connections from the formation.
The three sisters are believed to have discovered the secret of immortality by telling the secret to the youngest sister before she was indoctrinated (before the birth of religion). Two walk the earth to reincarnate, and one always remains behind to remind the other two for eternity. The secret is simple enough. The gods of man do not exist. We live, die, and are reborn in a perpetual cycle, and our purpose for existence is universal rather than ideological. In the simplest translation of this story, the secret is representative of what man saw when he first became self aware and peered up into the night sky. It terrified him, and for good reason. In the sharing of the secret and passing it on from one lifetime to the next, the sisters have cheated death. This is represented in another little known representation of this region of the cosmos: "...and death turned its face from the sisters for eternity". No, you will not find this legend in its entirety in any one particular history book or ancient writing, but it is accurately representative of the belief systems of the ancient cultures that first worshiped these sister stars as gods.

Why is this important to us now? Well, as mentioned, this is perhaps the origin of all religion on earth. It is not a dead religion either. Evidence is showing us today that it is alive and well. In the secret of immortality, one no longer simply seeks empowerment over life, but over the very cosmos from which he ascends as well. We see glimpses of this religion being practiced in places like Bohemian Grove by the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet, yet it teaches that you are as filthy rags to be led around like sheep, This religion creates gods of men and teaches tangible and real tenants that can be utilized. It is a religion of reality, history, and physics. It is a religion that empowers those who follow it, and it is irrelevant if you choose to believe or not. Those that rule your world believe it, and they also believe it is their role to ensure Universal balance in controlling the populations of man.

Every 3500 years or so, mankind is decimated by the descendants of these original followers. They believe they are reincarnated versions of themselves generation after generation. It is true they have maintained their wealth, power, and control over the earth for centuries - perhaps even eons. It is a matter of simple math that had the numbers of mankind not been decimated many times over, there would easily be a trillion or more of us here today.

Don't take anyone's word at face value. Look it up and apply your own common sense to what you learn.

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