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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Warning to Future Generations

         In the time that I have been writing on the truth of Ascension, we have predicted a handful of significant world changing events that occurred within months of our making them public. Even as I wrote them I was myself skeptical. But sure enough, they materialized as mentioned and continue to be coming to pass. But I am reassured they are not prophesies or mysticism. These are deliberate acts against humanity by the very governments that we have put into power. Our knowing their agenda to decimate mankind into more controllable populations is not prognostication. Our knowing and sharing of their methods is not prophecy. These are deliberate acts.

There are those in my own life that are stung by truth. I do not force truth upon them, but I do answer their ignorance with truth as this is all I can do. They respond with hatred and anger while riding their pulpit of sanctified doctrine. Christians are no different than Muslims in this respect. Their gods both require the subjugation and worship of others to exist. And by serving these gods you are serving those claiming to represent those gods by default. So you are only serving men in your worship. Ascension and acceptance of truth requires you to bow to no one. It only requires that we accept ourselves and reality as it is rather that we wish it to be. But this is not what we want to hear. It is not what those that control you want you to read.

Eve fears that these words will fall upon deaf ears when they are the most needed and be twisted into new religions and ideologies for future generations. Our books will be dissected and the truth taken out to be replaced with new representations of idols to control and enslave the masses. Eve, herself, will be hung on a cross to become the idol of the new doctrine. And the truth will again become the lie. It took ten thousand years for these works of fiction to become your gods. In two thousand years your gods have produced no real truth. It only took six months for Eve to lay the foundation that will become the next coming of the decimation of mankind. Even as our words are now repeated to you in your news, you do not bother to read truth. I write this for future generations to learn from your mistakes. Study math and physics. Learn history and question the validity of that history. Ask questions and question everything without fear. Know yourself and compare everything to yourself rather than some god to discern its validity. Put primitive gods and idols away and get a fucking education.


Image art and concept by Jaid

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