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Monday, October 20, 2014

Ascension Verified Lucid Dreams

          It is believed that only 1 in 5 people on the planet is ascended enough to experience awareness within a dream, or lucid dreaming. Even fewer are ascended to achieve this at will. The ratio reduces significantly when we consider those who can become aware of their actual environment while lucid dreaming. If you can at least experience a lucid dream you are among a rare few and you are literally more than human. But this ability is no mere trick of the mind played upon by gurus and dreamy voiced new age mystics. Like awareness of reality while awake, awareness of reality while the biological vessel sleeps has a definite purpose. We will not waste time on vagaries and mysticism nonsense, but remain true to science and physics. We ascended are quickly running out of time. Please read carefully.

The Method
            Simply lie down and meditate before bedtime until you drift off to sleep. This will illicit a lucid dream among those higher ascended. If you don’t get to this point at first continue to practice your meditation with each sleep session. If you can barely sleep more than a few hours a day and your mind races constantly over a wide range of fantastic topics, fear not. You are ascended beyond this elementary trait and literally tap into your subconscious while in an awakened state. While in a lucid dream, resist the urge to frolic and fly around. Remain still and focus upon your surroundings. Try to experience the full range of your senses. Open your mouth and call out, “I am aware!” An entity will eventually come to you.

            Entities are energy possessing awareness. This is what you are within a biological vessel and when your vessel expires you continue on. This is somewhat verified within the laws of thermodynamics if those of you with awareness of advanced physics care to chime in on the comments. The parallel plane where entities reside mirrors our own and is exactly like our own. But we cannot see you and you cannot see us because your biological senses are not attuned to experience spatial inter-dimensional confluences. However, we do experience the validity of this premise as we observe the strange behavior particles traveling across the divide of our parallel planes. This is being studied in quantum physics and is the premise behind parallel planes.

The Ascended
            As mentioned, those ascended among us are literally more than human. The evolution of man vastly exceeds that of any other creature on this planet. And we as individuals are not evolving at the same rate. There is a measurable schism emerging between the few ascended and the primals that make up the majority of the global human population. As with every other fact mentioned here, this is easily seen and is practically common sense. In fact, the harboring of the wealth of human knowledge from the masses to be reserved to only a privileged few is evidence of the efforts of primals to slow the rate at which we ascended are rendering the ape-natured primals obsolete as the dominant species.

Your Purpose
            Your purpose as ascended entities is two fold. First, you are to acquire a heightened sense of your awareness with the facilitation of your biological senses to emulate them effectively as an entity without the facilitation of a biological vessel. Second, you are to utilize the mind of your biological vessel to acquire as much of the wealth of knowledge you possibly can. Do not waste your precious time upon ideology and mysticism. You can do this effectively by practicing the method we covered. For you higher ascended experiencing overactive minds incapable of long-term sleep, simply acquire knowledge of physics.

About God
            If you still harbor fear and doubt regarding the existence of god, this is quite understandable. The many doctrines have been constructed to mislead you. Trust this. No ideology of man can be validated within the strict governing dynamics of reality. But by our very existence as aware entities, we can assume there is valid Universal Creator. The only realistic search for this Universal Creator is through our understanding of that creator’s method which we translate as Physics.

The Urgency
           Those who govern this world are facing a seemingly hopeless dilemma of their own making. Within a few short years, the world population will explode beyond the capacity to feed everyone. The world economies were never designed to support the weight of billions of people. They will soon all topple and fall. At 15 billion, the United Nations has predicted the global birth rate will exceed all natural and manufactured factors that control over-population. The forward momentum of our own population growth will lead to the extinction of the species within a few centuries. However, our standard of living up to that point will reduce dramatically and incrementally by the decade. We will see global famine, disease and death within our lifetime.

In Summary
            John Lennon spoke of the principles we now refer to as Ascension. He not only wrote songs of an ascended society, but he also used his notoriety to teach and converse with influential thinkers on the subject. John F. Kennedy also spoke of a hidden power elite set upon enslaving every man, woman and child. He vowed to expose them. What these two men have in common is that they were both ascended and both were assassinated for their message. Many have died throughout history to show you this truth, both influential and common. The least you can do is read it. Everything mentioned here is verifiable. We do not speak of what we cannot prove. In fact, those of you possessing degrees in physics know ascension to be factual. Those of you in certain positions of government know the threat is imminent. You do not want to be among those to reincarnate upon this earth in the coming years. It is feared there is coming a global conflict between the ascended and your masters that pales the horrific accounts of your doctrines. --- Eve.

Image art and concept by Jaid


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