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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Ascension Reaffirmation

So a lot has happened since we began our journey to Ascension. But I feel that even those few that follow us still feel Ascension is merely another new age/self help concept. After a discussion where we briefly compared what Ascension is to other methodologies, Laurie and I discovered a very distinct difference in what we are doing that should be out front. "Ascension does not allow us the luxury of speculative or vague assertions. Everything must be compared to truth and validated."

What on the surface may at first appear to be prophecy/conspiracy theory nonsense, Ascension has shocked us with its specific and direct correlation to current world events that have occurred soon after we presented them in Idolatry. These were specific predictions of world events that, in no way, pretended to be so vague that any event could be regarded as related. We were floored as Idolatry began to reveal its truth about the world we live in and the intent of those that act behind the scenes to bring about the repeated decimation of mankind throughout history. What further intrigued us was that, all along, we were reminded that there is no mysticism or goo-ta-ta involved. It's all verifiable and centered in reality as it is rather than that we may wish it to be. "This is not prophecy as the unwritten future can not be known to anyone. These are revelations of deliberate acts by those with intent."

Although my counterpart may sometimes skim the surface of mysticism in her search for truth within, Ascension is not like cosmology, palm reading or tarot reading. It teaches us to listen within to that inner voice that many of us are aware of. It was a shock to me that not everyone is aware of an inner dialogue. Those that do acknowledge this inner dialogue simply disregard it as an imaginary and, in truth, it sometimes is. However, a specific method of meditation directed toward practical means reveals that many of us are quite literally being guided by something real. This is not god, it is not demons, it is not merely our own inner voice. This inner dialogue is a connection to a collective consciousness with what we have called, entities. And leading thinkers in science and physics are only beginning to validate the existence of a state of energy possessing awareness that Laurie and I call entities. Entities are not aliens, gods or demons... they are what each of are at our core within our biological vessel.

Ascension is practical for daily use. By definition, Ascension is the growth of awareness by the comparison of truth to everything around us. We fearlessly compare ourselves to the concepts we have grown to accept as real. We often find that many of our accepted concepts, religious doctrines and models of perceived reality could not possibly be valid and, furthermore, are destructive and have resulted in a chaotic and primal world. "Universal Truth can be regarded as God and physics can be regarded as the only infallible word of God." Admittedly, these are some powerful and bold statements. But one who utilizes Ascension will begin to rely upon practical means to overcome their real world issues rather than relying upon gods, and mysticism to do so. And make no mistake, the world issues you see in the news are predominantly attributed to the doctrines/mysticism of our world leaders. To get an idea of how boldly opposite Ascension is to such nonsense is revealed in our Eve's (entity) assertion regarding our world leaders, "If war is your only option then, in truth, you must admit you can not govern yourself and have no business attempting to govern others."

The Leaf in the Stream
As stated, the future is unwritten and unknowable as asserted by the laws of physics. This is not to dismiss that our understanding of physics may later reveal a mathematical formula for prophesy. But for the time being, fortune telling and the like simply is not a verifiable and reliable truth. However, there is a method that allows us to come close. We call this, the leaf in the stream. This assertion is that we can predict, with some accuracy, our destiny by taking into account all possible factors. "Attempting to predict the future is like attempting to predict where a leaf in a stream will be tomorrow with all possible factors considered." This requires careful documentation of each day until we begin to gain an awareness of the repeated patterns that occur every day that affect us. Again, do not scoff that we are breaching upon mysticism... The points spread of any given NFL/NBA game is predicted in exactly the same manner. Ascension simply utilizes the same system to your daily life. By this, we begin to pinpoint the small habits/events that defeat us every day and prevent us from reaching our goal.

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