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Friday, February 20, 2015

Book Series Update - Ascension

Image credit : J. D. Cumberland

We just uploaded the manuscript for the second book in the Idolatry Series! After a few tweaks and final edits, we hope to publish Ascension later this week. In the meantime, here's the Table of Contents to pique your curiosity! grin emoticon

By J.D. Cumberland and Laurie Tysinger

Table of Contents :

Introduction :
Fact or Fiction?

Preface :
On Self-Validation

Chapter 1 :
Background on the Background

On Our Sources

Religion and Truth

Religion and Science

All Paths Lead to...

Ancient Astronauts Explained

Spiritual Technology

Spiritual Alchemy

Art, Myth, and History

Chapter 2:
There are No Coincidences

Ascension and Synchronicity

Yin Yang Synchronicity

The Ascension of Synchronicity

The Unindoctrinated Truth

Synchronicity and Connectivity

Hope of the Hopi

The Wealth of Human Knowledge

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