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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Haunting We will Go

Exclusive first shot of the new costume I made for this year
Though our season at the haunted house started Friday the 13th of September, the true fun begins this Friday. For the next 6 weeks, we will be open Friday and Saturday, from 7pm, until the last customer comes through. Three of those weeks we will work Thursday through Sunday, and the last week we will work Tuesday through Saturday.

It may not sound like much of a "grueling schedule", but it is the "until" part that gets you. On the 13th, we weren't finished until 3:30 am. The last week or two, we generally call "hell week", because it is the longest and most tiring. This year, it will be even more so, as we will be working 4 nights straight, get one off, then work the next 5 nights straight.

At the end of all this we are all generally very exhausted, but also a bit hyped up due to all the adrenaline you get from scaring people. It really is a rush, and once it is over, even those who complained the loudest about hell week are saddened to see it be done with.

We pride ourselves on being some of the best haunt actors in the business, so we put as much effort into scaring people at the end of a long night as we do at the beginning. It is loads of fun, but it is also lots of hard work. We don't do it because we make lots of money (because, believe me, we do NOT), we do it because we love it. Ask any haunter, they will tell you the same. We may be weirdos, but we are a very devoted bunch of weirdos.


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